02/16/2011: Immigration Lottery Program Continuously Under Attacks by House
Conservative Republicans
We reported on January 12, 2011 that Conservative Republican Rep. Issa of
California introduced a bill to eliminate the diversity lottery progam and
replace the numbers by the U.S. educated STEM Ph.D. immigration. This bill
has been pending in the House Judiciary Committee.
Yesterday, another conservative Republican from the Virginia, Rep. Bob
Goodlotte, introduced another bill, H.R. 704, with 12 ultra conservative
Republican cosponsors, to eliminate the diversity lottery program. The co-
sponsors are: Rep Brian Bilbray (CA), Rep Mike Coffman (CO), Rep Michael
Conaway (TX), Rep Peter DeFazio (OR), Rep Elton Gallegly (CA, current
Immigration Subcommittee Chair), Rep Steve King, Steve (IA, current
Immigration Subcommittee Vice-Chair), Rep Kenny Marchant (TX), Rep Sue
Wilkins Myrick (NC), Rep Brad Sherman (CA), Rep Lamar Smith, (TX, current
Judiciary Committee chair), Rep Allen West (FL), and Rep Frank Wolf (VA).