[转载] how to make log-scale in xmgr?[转载] How to check disk size for / directory??stty question[转载] Dummy 求教: 怎样建Solaris server添加了打印机,却不工作[转载] 怎么在terminal里让Redhat9.0 shutdown一个傻问题求教:UNIX中如何将一个目录下的文件拷到另一个目录下question in "cygwin/xfree86" under WIN-X请问在unix(solaris 9)或linux(redhat 9)下如何用usb[转载] Another question regarding to EXIThow to find passwd for crypt file?reset solaris root passwordproblem: "no inode free"socket 编程求救。。。[转载] Why SCO UNIX Is A Bad Idea问ftp中的一个小问题[转载] root不能登陆了,是否被黑了?Can I get the CPU-time of a thread?Question: GDB debug C++ program in Unix