question in "cygwin/xfree86" under WIN-X# Unix - 噫吁兮,危乎高哉
1 楼
i installed cygwin/xfree 86,
when I start xfree 86, i get into "fvwm" ,
however, one small problem occurs,
1. when I open xterm, it could not recognize "cd ~/" and it is not appearing
my [email protected]$ kind of default appearance
2. 方向建向上,并不recall the last command, instead the scroller just
literally "go up".
here is my .xinitric file,
xhost + localhost
xterm -display $DISPLAY -name "xterm-1" -sb -sl 1000 -geometry +0+0 &
xterm -display $DISPLAY -name "xterm-2" -sb -sl 1000 -geometry +270+190 &
when I start xfree 86, i get into "fvwm" ,
however, one small problem occurs,
1. when I open xterm, it could not recognize "cd ~/" and it is not appearing
my [email protected]$ kind of default appearance
2. 方向建向上,并不recall the last command, instead the scroller just
literally "go up".
here is my .xinitric file,
xhost + localhost
xterm -display $DISPLAY -name "xterm-1" -sb -sl 1000 -geometry +0+0 &
xterm -display $DISPLAY -name "xterm-2" -sb -sl 1000 -geometry +270+190 &