I said Happy Chinese New Year to my coworker. My coworker sent out an
email like this and I don't even know the story myself....
"It’s the Lunar New Year and the Chinese Year of the Horse.
The horse is part of a 12-year-cycle of animals that make up the
Chinese zodiac.
These interact with the five elements: wood, metal, fire, water, earth.
2014 is the year of the wood horse, taking over from the year of the
water snake."
Could you do me a favor? Say yes if you know this story. Say no if you don't
know this story. I wonder how many Chinese know about this story.
You know
Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu
Metal wood water fire earth.
Shui sheng mu
that confirms water proceeds wood.
a lot of books from Taiwan talks about this.


【在 c********2 的大作中提到】
: I said Happy Chinese New Year to my coworker. My coworker sent out an
: email like this and I don't even know the story myself....
: "It’s the Lunar New Year and the Chinese Year of the Horse.
: The horse is part of a 12-year-cycle of animals that make up the
: Chinese zodiac.
: These interact with the five elements: wood, metal, fire, water, earth.
: 2014 is the year of the wood horse, taking over from the year of the
: water snake."
: Could you do me a favor? Say yes if you know this story. Say no if you don't
: know this story. I wonder how many Chinese know about this story.

The table is 5 x 12
of 60 combinations.
imagine a small gear of 5 teeth coupling with a larger gear of 12 teeth.
As they roll on, we experience our lives. Year after year.
Wood now bites Horse.


【在 c********2 的大作中提到】
: I said Happy Chinese New Year to my coworker. My coworker sent out an
: email like this and I don't even know the story myself....
: "It’s the Lunar New Year and the Chinese Year of the Horse.
: The horse is part of a 12-year-cycle of animals that make up the
: Chinese zodiac.
: These interact with the five elements: wood, metal, fire, water, earth.
: 2014 is the year of the wood horse, taking over from the year of the
: water snake."
: Could you do me a favor? Say yes if you know this story. Say no if you don't
: know this story. I wonder how many Chinese know about this story.


So it's in the order of 木、火、土、金、水.

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: You know
: Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu
: Metal wood water fire earth.
: Shui sheng mu
: that confirms water proceeds wood.
: a lot of books from Taiwan talks about this.
: 't

except it would not be a line but rather a circle. Hence a gear shape.
Of course hard to type that out as this is a linear display.
Also . What you have is the foster chart. There is a corresponding dominate
water stops fire, and so on.
Shiang sheng. Shiang mie...

【在 c********2 的大作中提到】
: 五行相生:金生水,水生木,木生火,火生土,土生金。
: So it's in the order of 木、火、土、金、水.
: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E4%BA%94%E8%A1%8C
: Thanks.

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