【说得很好的一段话】# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
"I've been a deep believer my whole life. 18 years as a Southern Baptist.
More than 40 years as a mainline Protestant. I'm an ordained pastor. But it'
s just stopped making sense to me. You see people doing terrible things in
the name of religion, and you think: 'Those people believe just as strongly
as I do. They're just as convinced as I am.' And it just doesn't make sense
anymore. It doesn't make sense to believe in a God that dabbles in people's
lives. If a plane crashes, and one person survives, everyone thanks God.
They say: 'God had a purpose for that person. God saved her for a reason!'
Do we not realize how cruel that is? Do we not realize how cruel it is to
say that if God had a purpose for that person, he also had a purpose in
killing everyone else on that plane? And a purpose in starving millions of
children? A purpose in slavery and genocide? For every time you say that
there's a purpose behind one person's success, you invalidate billions of
people. You say there is a purpose to their suffering. And that's just cruel
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