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The HIV transmission route leading to the most AIDS diagnosis in 2008 was
male-to-male sexual contact, followed by injection drug use and heterosexual
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish HIV
statistics for 37 states and 5 dependent areas with confidential name-based
HIV infection reporting. AIDS statistics include all 50 states and the
District of Columbia, as well as the 5 dependent areas.
HIV statistics
CDC statistics show that in 2007, 73% of persons living with a diagnosis of
HIV infection were male adults or adolescents.
Just over half of men diagnosed with HIV in 2008 became infected through
male-to-male sexual contact, around 30% of those diagnosed were infected
through heterosexual contact, and 10.5% through injecting drug use.
Between 2005 and 2008, annual HIV diagnoses increased among men who have sex
with men (MSM) and those who were exposed through heterosexual contact.
Infections decreased among IDUs and children. Of the 182 HIV diagnoses among
children in 2008, 141 were probably infected with HIV through mother-to-
child transmission.
Estimated adult and adolescent HIV diagnoses in 2008 by transmission route
and gender
Transmission route Male Female Total
Male-to-male sexual contact 22,810 - 22,472
Injection drug use 2,825 1,619 4,939
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,173 - 1,260
Heterosexual contact 4,677 8,963 13,627
Other 111 80 198
Total* 31,595 10,662 35,180
* Because totals are calculated independently of the subpopulations, the
values in each column may not sum exactly to the figure in the 'Total' row
AIDS statistics
Adult and adolescent males accounted for 74% of people diagnosed with AIDS
in 2008. Between 2005 and 2008 the rate of AIDS diagnoses remained stable
among adult and adolescent males, but decreased slightly among females.
Between 2005 and 2008 the number of AIDS diagnoses increased among those who
were exposed through male-to-male sexual contact and decreased among those
exposed through injecting drug use.
Estimated adult and adolescent AIDS diagnoses in 2008 and cumulative
diagnoses since the beginning of the epidemic to end-2008, by transmission
route and gender
Transmission route
2008 diagnoses Cumulative diagnoses
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Male-to-male sexual contact 17,940
- 17,940 518,618 - 518,618
Injection drug use 3,818 2,311
6,129 196,068 87,258 283,356
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,729 - 1,729
76,584 - 76,584
Heterosexual contact 4,420 7,303 11,723 72,146 125,090
Other 230 199 429 13,270 7,578 20,848
Total* 26,355 9,813 36,168 876,687 219,927 1,096,642
* Because totals are calculated independently of the subpopulations, the
values in each column may not sum exactly to the figure in the 'Total' row
The HIV transmission route leading to the most AIDS diagnosis in 2008 was
male-to-male sexual contact, followed by injection drug use and heterosexual
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publish HIV
statistics for 37 states and 5 dependent areas with confidential name-based
HIV infection reporting. AIDS statistics include all 50 states and the
District of Columbia, as well as the 5 dependent areas.
HIV statistics
CDC statistics show that in 2007, 73% of persons living with a diagnosis of
HIV infection were male adults or adolescents.
Just over half of men diagnosed with HIV in 2008 became infected through
male-to-male sexual contact, around 30% of those diagnosed were infected
through heterosexual contact, and 10.5% through injecting drug use.
Between 2005 and 2008, annual HIV diagnoses increased among men who have sex
with men (MSM) and those who were exposed through heterosexual contact.
Infections decreased among IDUs and children. Of the 182 HIV diagnoses among
children in 2008, 141 were probably infected with HIV through mother-to-
child transmission.
Estimated adult and adolescent HIV diagnoses in 2008 by transmission route
and gender
Transmission route Male Female Total
Male-to-male sexual contact 22,810 - 22,472
Injection drug use 2,825 1,619 4,939
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,173 - 1,260
Heterosexual contact 4,677 8,963 13,627
Other 111 80 198
Total* 31,595 10,662 35,180
* Because totals are calculated independently of the subpopulations, the
values in each column may not sum exactly to the figure in the 'Total' row
AIDS statistics
Adult and adolescent males accounted for 74% of people diagnosed with AIDS
in 2008. Between 2005 and 2008 the rate of AIDS diagnoses remained stable
among adult and adolescent males, but decreased slightly among females.
Between 2005 and 2008 the number of AIDS diagnoses increased among those who
were exposed through male-to-male sexual contact and decreased among those
exposed through injecting drug use.
Estimated adult and adolescent AIDS diagnoses in 2008 and cumulative
diagnoses since the beginning of the epidemic to end-2008, by transmission
route and gender
Transmission route
2008 diagnoses Cumulative diagnoses
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Male-to-male sexual contact 17,940
- 17,940 518,618 - 518,618
Injection drug use 3,818 2,311
6,129 196,068 87,258 283,356
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 1,729 - 1,729
76,584 - 76,584
Heterosexual contact 4,420 7,303 11,723 72,146 125,090
Other 230 199 429 13,270 7,578 20,848
Total* 26,355 9,813 36,168 876,687 219,927 1,096,642
* Because totals are calculated independently of the subpopulations, the
values in each column may not sum exactly to the figure in the 'Total' row
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