An non-senior engineer in my friend's company just got a 50% raise, from 80k
to 120k!!
mmd, ane some people are losing jobs. strange world.
So what! If he is a key person and can create great value,
why not! especially in this season, company wants to
keep its key person while getting rid of the useless
It's very simple, when company did a layoff, it will
hurt the morale, but company have resource to keep
the rest valueable employees happy.

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: An non-senior engineer in my friend's company just got a 50% raise, from 80k
: to 120k!!
: mmd, ane some people are losing jobs. strange world.

My boss give me a 30% raise just because I told him I can not
afford to buy a new car and want go back to China.
I am new and not a key person. I was not threatening him when
I told him my feeling.
It's normal I guess.

【在 t****u 的大作中提到】
: So what! If he is a key person and can create great value,
: why not! especially in this season, company wants to
: keep its key person while getting rid of the useless
: guys.
: It's very simple, when company did a layoff, it will
: hurt the morale, but company have resource to keep
: the rest valueable employees happy.

I know a girl who got two promotions in a row becoming a senior staff and
doubled her salary from 60k to 120k in two years. You know how she achieved
that? By sleeping with her boss. She actually told me that herself, not in
plain English, but I am not too stupid to figure out what she was implying.
I guess that might help us to make sense of this strange world.
Unfortunately, her company went belly up last year. That makes sense too.
I guess a company can not be too successful if its employees

【在 r******f 的大作中提到】
: My boss give me a 30% raise just because I told him I can not
: afford to buy a new car and want go back to China.
: I am new and not a key person. I was not threatening him when
: I told him my feeling.
: It's normal I guess.

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