Office sex harassment (more)# Working - 上班一族
1 楼
She reported to her boss, the HR, and the HR reported to the office manager.
(My reaction is "wow, one of them has to leave".)
They confronted the engineer, and of course he denied all.
Since the girl can easily be passes as a girly pretty air-head, so naturally
the HR and office manager took the other side of story and chose not to
believe her.
She went mad so she wrote it down in every detail and on the letter she
threatened to get a lawyer to sue the company. (my instinct is "does she have
(My reaction is "wow, one of them has to leave".)
They confronted the engineer, and of course he denied all.
Since the girl can easily be passes as a girly pretty air-head, so naturally
the HR and office manager took the other side of story and chose not to
believe her.
She went mad so she wrote it down in every detail and on the letter she
threatened to get a lawyer to sue the company. (my instinct is "does she have