Medjaden ( is a company that provides professional editing/ consulting services to laboratory researchers, post-graduates and clinical doctors publishing in biomedical journals. Our mission is to help the researchers get their valuable research work published in an internationally recognized scientific journal in English. Our staff has extensive experience in reviewing, writing and editing biomedical manuscripts and biostatistical analysis. We currently have part-time editor and writer positions open. We welcome all qualified candidates to apply. Experience/expertise in the fields of Neuroscience and Neuroimaging are preferred but not required. 1.Part-time editors for English manuscripts in Biological/Medical Sciences Responsibilities: 1) Evaluation of manuscripts: identify the merits and weaknesses of manuscripts; determine whether manuscripts are publishable in SCI journals; provide constructive comments/suggestions from both scientific and language points of views. 2) Preparation of manuscripts for publication: revise/edit English manuscripts to improve quality and complete the job in a timely and professional manner. Requirements: 1) Ph.D. in Biological/Medical Sciences, or M.D. 2) Three years or more working experiences in clinical or basic research in English-speaking countries (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia, and UK); excellent verbal communication skills. 3) Experience in writing English manuscripts, and being the 1st author or corresponding author of three or more publications in SCI journals. 4) Willingness to help the authors, and strong work ethic. 2.Part-time senior editors for English manuscripts in Biological/Medical Sciences Responsibilities: 1) Evaluation of manuscripts: identify the merits and weaknesses of manuscripts; determine whether manuscripts are publishable in SCI journals; provide constructive comments/suggestions from both scientific and language points of views. 2) Preparation of manuscripts for publication: revise/edit English manuscripts both syntactically and scientifically to improve the quality of manuscripts and complete job assignments in a timely and professional manner. Requirements: 1) Ph.D. in Biological/Medical Sciences, or M.D. 2) Five years or more working experiences in clinical or basic research in English-speaking countries (United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom); currently holding or previously held a position equivalent to or above Assistant Professor. 3) Experience in writing/drafting English manuscripts, and being the first or corresponding author of ten or more publications in SCI journals. 4) Qualification as a reviewer for SCI journals. 5) Willingness to help the authors and strong work ethic. 3.Part-time writers for Chinese manuscripts in Biological/Medical Sciences Responsibilities: 1) Drafting English manuscripts for publishing in international English journals based on original Chinese manuscripts, thesis, or raw data prepared /provided by the author. 2) Completing job assignments in a timely and professional manner. Requirements: 1) M.S. minimum in Biological/Medical Sciences. 2) Working and writing experiences in basic and/or clinical research fields; publications in SCI journals. 3) Basic statistical analysis knowledge. 4) Willingness to help the authors and strong work ethic. Benefits and Compensation 1) Flexible schedule whether working from your home or office. 2) Competitive compensation: based on the word count of a manuscript, type of service and the position offered. 3) Unlimited opportunity for personal development. How to Apply If interested, please submit your curriculum vitae (CV) with a cover letter to e*****[email protected] For more information, please also visit our website:
3 楼
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】 发信人: boardbed (boardbed), 信区: SanFrancisco 标 题: 中国女留学生加入FBI:被揭假结婚面临遣返 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 29 20:54:41 2009) 中国女留学生加入FBI:被揭假结婚面临遣返(图) 本文网址: 一名由中国移居美国的华裔女子,先后加入美国海军及联邦调查局(FBI),但在 FBI受训期间未能通过测谎,她后来承认为取得美国公民身份而假结婚,前日判监一年 ,出狱后将被递解出境。负责案件的联邦助理检察官形容,这是他处理过的最严重假结 婚案件。 诈领津贴未通过测谎 现年二十七岁的程悦(译音,Yue H. Cheng),一九九九年持学生签证到美国,现 于维珍尼亚州威廉斯堡居住。○一年九一一恐袭后,比她年长三十八岁的美国加州公民 哈特福德建议程悦与他结婚,让她留在美国。同年两人结婚,程悦婚后加入海军。 Yue H. Cheng and her husband,
最近版上总是愁云惨雾的,其实啥时候都要have fun, life is more wonderful than we think! 现在我来号召,大家来贴自己知道的办公室可笑事情吧!我先来一个 我的一个同事以前在一个国防部门工作。他办公室里的工程师,习惯在房间里一个white board 上写上重要的日程安排,有时候也会写计算方程、数据什么的。后来有一阵,工程师们发现, 白板上的数据、日期等等,头一天写上,第二天就变了,很诡异。于是他们决定在办公室里装上摄像头。 结果录像显示,每天大家下班后,来打扫卫生的人,跑到白板前,把上面的数字擦了,自己给写个新的! 我当时听了暴笑。 抛砖引玉,大家跟上吧!为了鼓励各位,我豁出去不买新衣服,发包子!凡是原创的都有包子吃啊