Processing xml files# XML - WWW明日之星
Hello folks,
I need to process some .xml files, whose schema files are given, in a softwa
re module. The XML files only describes the formate of the data I am supposd
to receive and I need to interpret the data and accordingly do the real wor
k, e.g. call some APIs (likely in C) of other modules. My questions are:-
1) To interpret the xml files, is a XML parser what I need? Which one is bet
ter for me? I know there r some like DOM embeded in browser? My platform is
Windows at the moment and the
In windows you can use MS XML parser. I dont know if it helps you when you
move to embedded system.

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: Hello folks,
: I need to process some .xml files, whose schema files are given, in a softwa
: re module. The XML files only describes the formate of the data I am supposd
: to receive and I need to interpret the data and accordingly do the real wor
: k, e.g. call some APIs (likely in C) of other modules. My questions are:-
: 1) To interpret the xml files, is a XML parser what I need? Which one is bet
: ter for me? I know there r some like DOM embeded in browser? My platform is
: Windows at the moment and the

what embedded system?
windows ce.net with .net framework have XML parser built-in :)

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: Hello folks,
: I need to process some .xml files, whose schema files are given, in a softwa
: re module. The XML files only describes the formate of the data I am supposd
: to receive and I need to interpret the data and accordingly do the real wor
: k, e.g. call some APIs (likely in C) of other modules. My questions are:-
: 1) To interpret the xml files, is a XML parser what I need? Which one is bet
: ter for me? I know there r some like DOM embeded in browser? My platform is
: Windows at the moment and the

I think that Java will be the better language to code that process flow you
described. As for the parser, I recommend Xerces from Apache
http://xml.apache.org/index.html, which has Java version and C++ version.
By the way, in the future the modules will be ported into an embeded system.
What kind of systems?
Hope this information will be useful and helpful!

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: Hello folks,
: I need to process some .xml files, whose schema files are given, in a softwa
: re module. The XML files only describes the formate of the data I am supposd
: to receive and I need to interpret the data and accordingly do the real wor
: k, e.g. call some APIs (likely in C) of other modules. My questions are:-
: 1) To interpret the xml files, is a XML parser what I need? Which one is bet
: ter for me? I know there r some like DOM embeded in browser? My platform is
: Windows at the moment and the

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