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Now we are taking confident strides on a new journey to turn China into a modern socialist country in all respects, to advance toward the Second Centenary Goal and to embrace the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization.

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The CPC and our people have sought long and hard to open a Chinese path to modernization. This is a great yet enormous undertaking. The enormity of the task is what makes it great and infinitely glorious.

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For our part, we must forge ahead with resolve and take on more responsibility. We must show greater historical initiative in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, write new chapters in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and strive hard to achieve the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

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The journey ahead is long and arduous, but with determined steps, we will reach our destinations. We will not be daunted by high winds, choppy waters or even dangerous storms, for the people will always have our back and give us confidence.

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On the journey ahead, we should always press forward with self-imposed reform. A political party can only achieve lasting greatness if it remains committed to its original aspiration despite the many hardships it has gone through. It can only become invincible if it remains committed to self-reform, even though it has had a glorious past.

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Confronted with new challenges and tests on the journey ahead, we must remain on high alert and stay sober-minded and prudent like a student sitting for a never-ending exam. We must not hold our steps in exercising for a vigorous intraparty governance. We must make sure that our century-old Party, the biggest in the world, will become ever more vigorous through self-reform and continue to be the strong backbone that the Chinese people can lean on at all times.

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We have consistently called on the people of the world to grasp and shape the future and destiny of humanity. When all countries pursue the course of common good, we can live in harmony, engage in cooperation for mutual benefit and join hands to create a brighter future for the world.

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China will open its door ever wider. We'll be steadfast in deepening reform and opening up across the board, and in pursuing high-quality development. A prosperous China will create many more opportunities for the world.

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China is embarking on a long journey, one filled with glories and dreams. The roadmap has been drawn and the bugle has been sounded. We must forge ahead with enterprise and fortitude, and endeavor to create an even better future for our country.


来源:中国日报双语新闻 央视新闻 新华社


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