外资咨询|OC&C Associate Consultant 2023-Analytics 正在招聘中!
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招聘要求 …
开放职位:Associate Consultant 2023-Analytics 工作地点:London 截止日期:2022/11/6
职位描述 …
As part of the analytics team, you can expect to work both with other technical experts as well as with the strategy team.
You will need to be interested in solving strategic problems for our clients, which means pragmatic solutions on strategy consulting timescales.
Project lengths are 2-12weeks, so you will encounter a great variety of problems in different sectors.
You will be in a supportive environment, where everyone is pulling together to deliver a great answer in the most efficient way possible.
You will rapidly develop your commercial skills and become expert in the deploying advanced analytics in a pragmatic way that is sensitive to the data challenges faced by most businesses today.
任职资格 …
Undergraduate or postgraduate Degree in Economics, Analytics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics or another quantitative field (Undergraduate degree First or Upper Second)
Experience working with data-sets in an academic environment
Demonstrated aptitude for statistics, with a clear interest to learn more
Exposure to one or more programming languages (any language acceptable).
Experience with R and/or Python and/or SAS/WPS is desirable but not essential
An outgoing people person, who enjoys discussing their ideas and their work with others
Rapidly produces clear and concise written work
Collegial and collaborative; carries out fair share of work; consistently adds creative, insightful ideas; meets all deadlines; demonstrates ability to lead and motivate others
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