20-40K/月, Amazon(英日双语)运营

20-40K/月, Amazon(英日双语)运营


This role will involve driving enrichment programs that deliver value by helping accelerate selection flywheel. Operations Managers are required to work across the organization, think strategically and make data driven decisions to find solutions to complex problems. The role will require driving efforts, both independently and as part of larger project teams and have a significant impact.

Successful candidates will be strong leaders who can prioritize well, communicate clearly, and have a consistent track record of delivery. This is a highly visible role that requires partnering with Retail and Tech teams. This role requires experience and capability to create and present documentation for senior executives and align your roadmap with team’s strategic objectives. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are essential. Candidate should be experienced in working with data to analyze root causes, implementing long term solutions, and leading teams with advanced analytical, mathematical, and quantitative capabilities.

Roles And Responsibility

You will be responsible to manage a team of Catalog Managers (2 to 3), Subject Matter Experts (2 to 3) and a small team of Operations resources and expand the program across different product lines and marketplaces.

  • Work closely with internal product and project teams to design scalable and auto-resolution solution.

  • Stakeholder Management (Category teams) - Conduct weekly performance meetings with stakeholders to develop and ensure adherence to action plans that meet business objectives and to facilitate monthly round tables for owner feedback

  • Participate and provide adequate support in business reviews with mid-level and senior stakeholders

  • People Management (leadership role, Category Lead, team management, floor control and retention)

  • Metrics Management, Analyzing Trend.

  • Formulate, Implement, Track career path & Individual Development Plans of each member in the Team

@小助理 英日双语


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