近日,一条新加坡前外交官和学者马凯硕(Kishore Mahbubani)反驳西方记者“污蔑式”提问的视频火了。
A video of a Singaporean scholar rebutting Western journalists' "smear-style" questions has gone viral.
In the video, which was shot during a forum on China held in Singapore in 2021, a Western reporter claimed China's success was based on "high-level repression" in his question. In response, Kishore Mahbubani, a Singapore-based scholar and former diplomat, said the question shows the "distorted perspective" of reality in the media's perception of China.
Let's take the first word you use, "repression". If the Communist Party of China only relied on repression to stay in power, it would not create the most dynamic economy in the world, right?
And it has done this by educating the Chinese people, to a level and extent, that the Chinese people have never been educated ever before. And you say it’s repression? You obviously are taking the old cold war mindset. 为了实现这一目标,中国共产党为普及教育所付出的努力,无论是深度还是广度,都是中国历史上前所未有的。而你把这说成是压迫?你显然是陷入了陈旧的冷战思维。
When you say environmental degradation, China’s climate change policies are far more responsible than those of the United States which has not once but twice withdrawn from global environmental protocols. Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration left, eight years. Paris Accord, Trump administration left, four years.
The reason why we’re having climate change today, is not because of new flows of greenhouse gas emissions from China and India. It’s because of what the Western countries have put in the atmosphere since the Western industrial revolution. Get the data, the single largest contributor cumulatively, is number one United States, number two Europe.
The West wants China to pay an economic price for the carbon flows, but the West doesn't want to pay an economic price for what it put in the atmosphere.
By contrast, the largest reforestation program in the world is carried out by China. It has already reforested an area, the size of Belgium or bigger.
So all your descriptions capture the natural distortions of China that you get in the Anglo-Saxon media which violate the rules of the Enlightenment which say that you must be rational, calm and objective, especially in understanding your adversary. 你的一切描述,都展现了盎格鲁-撒克逊媒体对中国下意识的歪曲与偏见。这违反了启蒙运动的信条,即保持理性、冷静与客观。在了解你的对手时,尤其需要如此。
If the Chinese were as stupid and as incompetent as you described them to be, don't worry about them. But I can assure you, you are now dealing with a far more intelligent and rational actor that doesn’t fit any of Anglo-Saxon categories that you applied to them.
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