Join Us | 2022 Boston Miss International Fashion Travel Pageant

Join Us | 2022 Boston Miss International Fashion Travel Pageant


Date:January 7th, 2023

Address:174Broadway, Taunton MA 02780

The Miss International Fashion Travel pageant has opened 18 divisions around the world, with more than 300 million global attention. 2021 became the first beauty pageant in human history to be held on an aircraft carrier! In 2022, the world's first "Meta Universe" beauty pageant will be launched on the basis of the existing glory. Together, let the world see our beauty! Let's empowering Chinese women to develop the confidence they need to achieve their personal best.  

The process of the Boston competition includes 6 components: fashion show, swimwear show, cheongsam show, evening dress show, individual talent show and Q&A session. A comprehensive and three-dimensional inspection of the beauty, body shape, beauty, wisdom and connotation of the beauties. Please preparea short self introduction.

Core competitive forces of the Miss International Fashion TravelPageant

  • Most high tech: metaverse innovation launched mobile APP, NFT products and the world's first metaverse beauty pageant with the top research and development team in Silicon Valley.

  • Higest character: Bring together elite women from all over the world to participate in this competition with the highest educational level, including Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge and other top universities! 

  • Most attention: Global layout, international news media reports, combined with online live beauty pageants, in-depth online and real world events interaction, with more than 300 million views.

  • Maximum output: Beauty contestants signed contracts with top broker companies, film and television shooting, advertising model endorsement, and became celebrity stars at the speed of light!

  • Objective: Create the world's top beauty contest, build a bridge for world cultural exchanges, and promote the development of urban tourism.

  • The global finals will be held in San Francisco, California, USA.

  • Drives international city cooperation and exchanges: In 2019, Mr. David Haubert, County Supervisor of Alameda, which governs 11 cities in the Silicon Valley California and Mr. Sing Chang, went to Chengdu, Dujiangyan, Wuxi and other cities in China. On the basis of holding the Miss International Fashion Travel Pageant, establish Sino-US sister cities, and promote various commercial, cultural and technological exchanges between cities.

  • The overseas finals of Miss International Fashion Travel Pageant will be held on January 28, 2023 in San Francisco Bay, California, USA! Show beauty, peace and luck to the world!

  • The process of the overseas finals includes 6 components: fashion show, swimwear show, cheongsam show, evening wear show, individual talent show and question and answer session. A comprehensive and three-dimensional inspection of the beauty, body shape, beauty, wisdom and connotation of the beauties


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