「未读」CMU 深圳校友会 2023 年新春致辞

「未读」CMU 深圳校友会 2023 年新春致辞


CMU 深圳校友会 2023 年新春致辞
2023 New Year Message from CMU Shenzhen Alumni Association



2022 年,我们有约 40 名新校友加入深圳校友会,让我们的组织更加强大。虽然疫情时断时续,但大家依旧努力聚在一起。在热心校友的帮助下,我们组织了六场活动:或是在美食陪伴下听校友们分享自己行业里的一手信息和生活故事;或是一起看大南山的落日;或是在线上和全国的校友一起讨论 Web3。在这些活动中,有校友结交了挚友,有校友得到了职业上的帮助,也有校友收获了浪漫。我们希望在 2023 年,这样的精彩时刻越来越多。

在一次次活动的组织历练下,我们的 Committee 也更加完整。我很兴奋的向大家宣布,有 4 位校友加入 Committee 成为核心成员:唐明宇(Stats 2015)、谢怡敏(Stats & Data Science 2018)、张伊然(Fine Arts 2018)、周聪(MISM 2015)。他们一直以来对校友工作充满热情,在过去的多次活动中给与校友会帮助,并为校友会的发展出谋划策。2023 年他们将会和我、陶源和桂民一起更好的服务大家。常驻广州的周聪也将在当地聚拢更多校友。

团队成员 Committee Members

吴梦皎 Claire Wu

会长 President

陶源 Yuan Tao

副会长 Vice President

林桂民 Carlos Lin

副会长 Vice President

唐明宇 Mingyu Tang

核心成员 Core Member

谢怡敏 Betty Xie

核心成员 Core Member

张伊然 Yiran Zhang

核心成员 Core Member

周聪(广州)Apollo Zhou (Guangzhou)

核心成员 Core Member

展望 2023,我们致力于筹划更多有趣、多样的高质量校友活动,让更多校友从组织中获得友谊、快乐和力量;我们也将不断扩展我们的链接,和学校、CMU 北京/上海等其他地区校友会、其他高校校友会组织和社会组织等联动,期待碰撞出更多火花。


*如果你认识在深圳/广州活跃的尚未入群的 CMU 校友,请积极邀请他们加入组织;



联系人:Claire Wu wechat:15510336057


CMU 深圳校友会会长吴梦皎


2023 New Year Message from CMU Shenzhen Alumni Association

Dear alumni, parents and CMU friends,

As we start the year of the Rabbit, the three-year pandemic has finally come to an end while China reopens to the world. At this cheerful and heartening moment, I, on behalf of the CMU Shenzhen Alumni Association, would like to wish everyone a prosperous new year and good health!  

In the past year, 40 new alumni joined our Shenzhen Alumni Association. Despite the hardship during the pandemic, we spent enormous effort to try keeping in touch. With the help of our enthusiastic volunteers, we organized six events throughout the year! We shared first-hand industrial info and life stories over delicious food; we climbed Danan Shan and enjoyed sunset; We discussed Web3 with alumni online. Through these events, we have alumni making close friends, getting new career opportunities, and I even heard romantic stories:) We hope to have more memorable moments in the coming year.   

Throughout this year, our Committee has also grown. I am excited to announce that we have 4 new members joining the Committee as core members. They are Mingyu Tang (Stats 2015)、Betty Xie(Stats&Data Science 2018)、Yiran Zhang(Fine Arts 2018)、Apollo Zhou(MISM 2015). They have shown great passion to alumni work and volunteered to help put many events together. They have also offered great advice about the development of our alumni association. In 2023, We will work together to better serve our community. Apollo who based in Guangzhou will help better bring together local alumni. 

Looking ahead, we are dedicated to organize more fun, diverse and high-quality activities to bring joy and power to more alumni. Moreover, we will also expand our connections to collaborate with more organizations such as CMU campus, Beijing/Shanghai or other CMU alumni chapters, alumni organizations of other universities and etc.

Last but not the least, we would like to call to action to everyone who is reading this letter now. Thank you for helping us build a more robust community! 

*If you know any alumni who are active in Shenzhen or Guangzhou, feel free to invite them to join the group;

*If you have passion and energy to help organize events and get to know more alumni, you are welcome to join the committee as volunteers.  

*If you have any advice or suggestions regarding event planning or alumni work, don’t hesitate to contact us! 

Contact:Claire Wu wechat:15510336057

We look forward to having another wonderful and fun year with you all! 

Claire Wu

Jan 24th, 2023

翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang





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