「简报」迎接挑战:CMU 表彰 23 位带来变革性影响的年轻校友;CMU 被评为 Fulbright 美国学生最佳培养者
Rising to the Challenge
从火星表面到非洲的医生办公室,从生物化学实验室到虚拟现实剧院,卡耐基梅隆大学 2023 年 Tartans on the Rise 正在通过技术推进社会进步,庆祝人类表达并提升世界各地的行业、社区和人民。今年是 Tartans on the Rise 的第二年,我们正在为年轻校友们庆祝,他们通过领导力、创新和职业成就在他们的组织和社区、全国和世界各地产生影响。
From the surface of Mars to doctors’ offices in Africa and from biochemistry laboratories to virtual reality theater, Carnegie Mellon University’s 2023 Tartans on the Rise are advancing society through technology, celebrating human expression and elevating industries, communities and people everywhere.
Now in its second year, Tartans on the Rise celebrates recent alumni who are making an impact in their organizations and in their communities, across the nation and around the world through leadership, innovation and career achievements.
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卡耐基梅隆大学被美国国务院教育和文化事务局评为 Fulbright 美国学生的最佳培养者。在 2022 - 23 学年,国际教育项目选拔了 10 名学生和年轻校友,为教授英语、攻读研究生或者海外研究提供资金。CMU 本科生研究与学者发展办公室主任兼 Fulbright 项目顾问 Richelle Bernazzoli 表示,Fulbright 项目是美国首屈一指的学术交流项目,也是公民外交的重要传承部分。
Carnegie Mellon University was named a top producer of Fulbright U.S. students by the U.S. Department of States' Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. In the academic year 2022-23, 10 students and recent alumni were selected for the international education program, which provides funding to teach English, pursue graduate studies or conduct research abroad.
Richelle Bernazzoli, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholar Development and the Fulbright program adviser at CMU, said that the Fulbright program is the premier academic exchange program for the United States, and part of an important legacy of citizen diplomacy.
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