

Why: An Interpretation of the Method and Use of Critical Thinking

Disclaimer: Some of the readers of my article may be reading it in the auto-translated Chinese version. Note that some concepts and words may be altered during translation and might not achieve its original meaning. Special note on quotations. 

Why, this phrase has been pondered upon humans since the very existence of society. Why also leads in depth to a level of thought and such thought leads to said thinking. With the ability to think many questions have been thought upon throughout human history. However, there is one type of thinking that is very eerie and almost absurd in nature, and that is critical thinking. 

For many specimens of life it is not natural for them to have different opinions on things or to have such critical thought. Such thought is something that is unique to humanity. This is a question I have thought about for a long while. 

The very nature of this concept is like a vivid, colorful flower hiding in a sea of lily pads. The very nature of it is distinct and eye-catching. 

Recently, I have moved to a different environment, much different from previous environments I have been in encounter with. One more plain and much simpler, yet very complex and deep in nature. And so, what is complex in its nature? Well, the ability to critically think and the great acknowledgement of critical thinking. 

This is one of the difference between the educations of the cultures of China and the United States. 

In the United States, what is unique in the education is the incorporation of critical thinking. In what we would more commonly refer to as homework, essays, assessments, presentations, and debates. 

In China, the presence of critical thinking is also found, but more often as a sidekick. Sometimes, students may be involved in debate clubs and other extracurriculars that incorporates critical thinking. However, this dwindles in comparison to the protagonist, that is, memorization of factual knowledge. 

In the United States, the status of critical thinking is elevated to be incorporated into regular assignments of schooling. Although they do have a common enemy, ignorance, that is to say that these two methods of education produce different specimens of people. For once, students of China may be better at their possession of vast quantities while students of the United States may better exploit their knowledge to be of use in thinking. 

One such example is one of my recent assignments. It is about a debate between whether or not child soldiers should be given amnesty. Such assignment would be quite rare in China’s school assignments and that is a representative of the difference between the educations of Americans and the educations of Chinese. 

In my opinion I believe that in order to improvise the cooperation between China and the United States both sides should incorporate the strengths of the other in order to make up for their weaknesses that are the other’s strengths. After all, there is a common enemy of ignorance. 

Students of the United States should learn from their counterparts from China in order to increase their academic ability and their understanding of factual knowledge. Students of China should learn from their American counterparts the incorporation and use of critical thinking in everyday life and the strategic use of argument. 

The great scholar Confucius once said, “At age 15, I exceled in my studies; at age 30, I am an accomplished person; at age 40 I have a clear mind and I am not illusioned; at age 50, I understand the mandate of heaven and the fate it brings upon me, at age 60, I can take in criticism from my counterparts and listen to other’s opinions; at age 70, I can do what I please without breaking the rules.” Such demonstrates the importance of growth and thinking as well as argument. Not everyone can become an esteemed philosopher like Confucius, but everyone can have a portion of mind dedicated to critical thinking and argument and engage in debate with others as well as acknowledging others’ opinions. 

The country of China, I believe, should also adopt such method into its curriculum. I think that it is within the interest of the nation to do so. As Liang Qichao once said, “When the students and young people have will, the nation has will; when they have strength, the country strengthens; when they are of strong power the country is of strong power;”

There is no such way that this can be a threat to the nation, but this is beneficial to a nation, and it is within the interest of all of humanity to emphasize the position of critical thinking. 

If it were in the analogy of a play, I believe that critical thinking should no longer be the funny clown or even the loyal sidekick. Instead, become the brave and daring hero protagonist. 

Although this is only my opinion there may be others who have different opinions than me. That is fine, I acknowledge your side of your argument as that is the very embarrassing truth of the world that people have different opinions that others over the same issue. You are welcome to engage in debate with me. I would very much appreciate any constructive criticism from the readers of my audience. 


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