比利时使馆助理岗, 月薪10422

比利时使馆助理岗, 月薪10422


The Embassy of Belgium in Beijing is looking for a Multi-skilled Assistant (m/f/x) with focus on communication and administrative support.

Location: Embassy of Belgium, Sanlitun Dongsan Jie 3, 100600, Beijing

Deadline for application: 28/02/2023 - 12:00 (Beijing time)

Job Description

As a communication assistant, you support the public diplomacy section:  

  1. In the communication of the Embassy with the outside world;

  2. The promotion of the image of Belgium in China through various means and channels by gathering, preparing and editing the necessary information.

  3. The organization of public diplomacy events (exhibitions, conferences, receptions, themed events, …);

A large section of the work is devoted to the daily implementation of the Embassy’s communication strategy. This involves editing, creating and curating content for the different communication platforms of the Embassy (website, WeChat, Weibo, Toutiao, Douyin, Tencent Art, Facebook, Twitter, video messages, etc.), and support the team with language related aspects of the communication (translating, proofreading, subtitling, …).

As an administrative assistant, you also support the political and economic teams of the Embassy and you organize meetings with external contacts and support the organization of activities and visits, including logistical aspects. You will assist the whole diplomatic team with their agenda and administration, draft letters and verbal notes, e-mails and contacts as required.

Fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English are essential and you are capable of adapting your communication style to the formal and professional setting you work in.

Examples of tasks:

  • Assist in overseeing and management of all social media accounts used by the Embassy;

  • Write, design and create captivating, graphic and video content, to promote the image of Belgium;

  • Act as one of the contact points within the Embassy for all matters related to communication, social media and public diplomacy;

  • Translate (English to Chinese, Chinese to English), proofread and, if necessary, correct documents (spelling, layout, etc.);

  • Perform the role of Master of ceremony at embassy events;

  • Assist in the organization and planning of all kind of activities, including visits, exhibitions, conferences, receptions, themed events, etc.);

  • Assist with logistical and practical matters related to the work of the Embassy and the organization of those visits and activities in China;

  • Assist in organizing meetings and manage the agenda of all diplomats;

  • Support when needed the administrative work of the diplomats and write draft letters and official notes, verbal notes, etc. in English and Chinese.

Selection Procedure

After a pre-screening based on CV and cover letter in English, the selection procedure will comprise of written tests, followed by an interview evaluating the applicant’s skills, relevant experience, language skills and motivation.

Required Degree and Competences

  • Minimum Bachelor University degree

  • Communication skills, both written and orally

  • Relevant experience in social media management

  • Good knowledge of the Chinese social media landscape

  • Prior experience in strategic communication would be an asset

  • Basic video editing & creating/editing online contents and willingness to further improve your skills

  • Master of ceremony experience an asset

  • Relevant experience in administrative support, communication, PR or government relations

  • Creativity and flexibility

  • Self-driven and committed

  • Good team player

  • Language Requirements

  • Native level Mandarin Chinese

  • Good command of English as a working language (written and spoken)

  • Knowledge of Dutch or French is considered an asset

Practical details

  • Gross monthly salary: 10,422.55 RMB

  • 1 year local contract (renewable)

  • Possibility of taking training courses (languages, social media management, etc …) – offline and online

  • International, multicultural and multilingual working environment

  • Pleasant, creative and dynamic context

  • Estimated starting date: May 2023


群内留言 比利时 @小助理 即可申请


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