According to South Korean media reports, the country's application for a "silver vase with pear flower design" to be recognized as a cultural relic was canceled as it turned out that the vase was actually made in Japan.
In ancient times, the pear blossom was the symbol of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea (1392-1910). When the vase was first discovered, South Korean experts believed that it was made in the official workshop of the former royal family in 1910. In 2009, it was recognized by the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea (CHAK) as a cultural heritage item.
Later, some researchers found the Chinese characters "pure silver" and "kobayashi" on the bottom of the vase, which they thought must be a mark of the producer. Further investigation found that the vase was designed and made by the famous arts and crafts store Kobayashi Watch Shop in Tokyo, Japan.
小林钟表店(Kobayashi Watch Shop)曾是日本著名的钟表店和艺术品制作地,从19世纪中期到1943年在东京营业,据说该店曾向日本宫内省等各官厅供货。经核实,“小林”是该店的标记,“银制李花文花瓶”就是在此时此地所造。
However, the South Korean experts had thoroughly inspected the vase, looking for damage and examining its craftsmanship and design before it was classified as a cultural heritage.
来源:环球时报 环球网
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