


“为什么女性只能在粉色的瑜伽垫上练普拉提?我们想给女性所有的选择,可以打拳击,举哑铃,可以练瑜伽。”专访Tribus健身房联合创始人,完整访谈请关注youtube @lhlovinglife:

We Want To Give Women Everything — Diyala Al-Mandil & Najla Khaled, Co-Founders of TRIBUS (Saudi Arabia)

“Why would women’s gym only have pink pilates mat? We want to give women everything. You can do boxing, lift weights, feel strong, and do yoga and pilates as well” Diyala, Najla, and Nouf are three women co-founders of TRIBUS reimagining a different kind of gym, one that speaks to women, one that empowers women to be who they truly aspire to be. All kinds of women, students, lawyers, mother, and the goal is to give the very best experience one can imagine for those 1 or 2 hours of workout. “A time just for you. You can forget about anything else in your life while you enter the doors of TRIBUS,” Diyala mentioned.

When I visited Saudi Arabia December 2022, TRIBUS was celebrating its second year anniversary which I was honored to be part of. I still remember doing yoga in the mountains while the sun sets, and the conversations under the stars talking about our wildest dreams. Even though people may have different backgrounds — some students, some already have two kids (and myself being a foreigner to the country), and yet our spirit, passion, dreams, a quest to feel the best, be the best and live the best united us with the tight community TRIBUS has built.

Diyala and Najla shared that the journey of entrepreneurship actually started 3 years earlier before TRIBUS officially opened to the public. From ideation of the gym, many discussions among the three partners, getting mentorship, to designing every single detail for the user experience (“when you talk to Saudi women, you are talking to Saudi women”), it has been an amazing journey of growth, gratitude and purpose.

Najla and Diyala both expressed multiple times how immensely grateful they are for their team. Not just between the co-founders who often sense each other’s energy and uplift one another, but also with every member of the team. Every member of the TRIBUS community. “One hand cannot clap,” Diyala told me as one of the old sayings in Saudi (we have the exact line in Chinese.)

A touching moment that moved me to tears was when Najla described how TRIBUS won a competition hosted by Joe & Juice. “It was less about the winning but watching the girls fight for the best, and cheer for each other. They announced us as the winner but then they said it was a tie. So they added another tie breaker which was plank,” Najla said, “Our two girls planked for 7 minutes! Our whole team were cheering for them. At that moment, I was like, ‘this was it!” This was what we are here for. Our whole community were connected. Because of how the girls persevered through the experience, everyone felt being uplifted.”

What amazed me about the conversation is how aligned Diyala and Najla are, as founders and individuals. You can sense that they truly mean what they say. Even when I edit this video today, I felt that not a single line was wasted. They have conveyed truthfully, authentically, who they are, what they stand for, and what they are building and want to build.

When asked about how they define the success of their life, they both talked about giving back. Empowering others. Having impact. It may be that the old society tries to put people into boxes, “oh you need choose ONE path” or “you can only be ONE thing.” But nowadays, more and more people have different interests and are creating their own paths to combine those passions. Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship has enabled people, Diyala, Najla (myself included) to be who they truly want to be, build relationships with people they care about, giving back to their community of Saudi women, creating long lasting impact of people’s daily lives. This makes all the efforts — doing two, three jobs, or giving birth to a baby and a new gym simultaneously — worthwhile.

Check out TRIBUS if you ever visit Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I look forward to spending my best hours with TRIBUS — a hub to empower, support and uplift, again upon my second trip there!

Written with love,

Fei Bo

Founder, LHLovingLife

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