



在这次的更新中,Argument新增了3道题, Issue没有变化。话不多说,一起来看看新题长什么样~



The following is a memo from the marketing director of Lamfonz Pet Stores, which operates thirty pet stores worldwide. "Five years ago, our competitor Fish Emporium started advertising in Exotic Pets Monthly magazine. Their sales overall have seen a steady increase of 3- to-5 percent per year since then. In fact, the Fish Emporium store in Gulf City saw even more remarkable gains, becoming the most visited pet store in the United States last year. Meanwhile, our two Lamfonz stores in Gulf City have seen sales steadily decline during the same period. It seems clear that we should immediately begin placing our own ads in Exotic Pets Monthly and other popular pet magazines. If we do so, we will be sure to reverse this recent trend of declining sales and start making a profit again.” Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. 


1、时间外推:五年前采用了advertising in Exotic Pets Monthly magazine 的策略,随着时间推移,外部情况改变,同样的策略行不通了,即使行得通,也要等五年或更⻓显现成效;

2、因果错误:overall sales的上升不⼀定是由advertising这⼀个因素导致的,其他因素也要考虑,比如经济大环境;

3、错误类比:Fish Emporium 和 Top Dog 是两家不同的公司,⼀个主要是fish-related business,另⼀个是dog-related business, 巨⼤的不同会导致盲⽬效仿最终⽆果;

4、利润问题:即使以上假设被印证,采用advertising未必能够扭转颓势,是否能够make a profit,不是单看sales就够了,revenue上升不代表profit上升,如果成本过⾼,可能利润不增反降。


The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Alta Manufacturing. "During the past year, Alta Manufacturing had 30 percent more on-the-job accidents than nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many accidents is fatigue caused b sleeo deprivation amone workers. Therefore. To reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Alta, we recommend shortening each of our three work shifts by one hour. If we do this, our employees will get adequate amounts of sleep." Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. 


The following appeared in a memorandum from the mayor of Wistfold: "A recent study revealed that the number of children requiring medical attention for illnesses in our town is 40 percent higher than in the neighboring town of Champsfield. Last year the Champsfield school district implemented an educational program called "Kerzac Plus" that promotes healthier habits among children. Because prepackaged convenience foods have less nutritional value than fresh fruits and vegetables, Kerzac Plus guidance led to banning the sale of candy bars and soft drinks in Champsfield schools. Kerzac Plus also provides informational posters and live presentations for children that explain the importance of healthy foods and exercise, as well as the risks of making unhealthy lifestyle choices. The clearest explanation for the lower medical needs of Champsfield's children compared with Wistfold's is the introduction of the Kerzac Plus program to promote student health." Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument. 









【报名】海狸学院2023 John Locke写作大赛辅导项目11月考生看过来:CFA一级成绩单深度解析!安大略湖畔:野生动物天堂GRE V165可以错多少题?ps填空看不懂题目也可以蒙对!!正式通知!在职本科以下学历直升本科,满足条件每人补贴8000元,政策扶持,名额有限,速看!上海太堵了?王传福坐地铁去参加车展!曾表示修路解决不了交通拥堵…老楼加装电梯,谁来出钱?如何协调?怎样管理?看上海的解题思路重磅!新增32种职业可快速移民新西兰!中国人被“特殊”审查?留学生苦等一年多没下签,移民局被质疑...硕果仅存的少量产品,速看!我做订票代理怎么样?帮大家问到了!秦刚外长对青年人的建议,速看!丨小彭vlog从ETL走向EtLT架构,下一代数据集成平台Apache SeaTunnel核心设计思路解析小彭vlog|帮大家问到了!秦刚外长对青年人的建议,速看!11月考生看过来:今晚CFA一级成绩单深度解析!突发! EE更新利好政策! 池中优先邀请这类人! 内附最新解析!定了!低学历恭喜了!每人补贴8000元! 限本科以下学历,政策扶持,名额有限,速看正式通知!低学历直升本科,本科学历以下每人补贴2000元,政策扶持,名额有限,速看!与你分享:恩师侯一民生前的一段讲话(视频)便携热敏打印机,5.8亿海量题库,覆盖全年级全科目,不插电随时打|种草机《少年新知》写作实验室第十七期征稿题目:音乐&乐队Google Bard 大更新!我们用 GPT-4 给它出了 20 道题Chatgpt 去考GRE,能得多少分?我们给了它几道题,没想到...论科学、双盲实验与杀猪定了!1975—1998年出生的地都人恭喜了!每人补贴8000元!名额有限,速看!注意!这种常见的驾驶行为,在澳洲却违反了交规!最高罚款2875澳元,还会扣分!很多人都不知道,速看!2023 JOHN LOCKE论文写作大赛题目公布,老查留学专项辅导开放报名!中高端医疗典型拒赔案例思路解析三月更新!新增2个国家入境取消核酸检测+回国机票信息汇总留学党速看:英本UCAS迎来大动作,五大变化提前知;CA系统24年文书题目更新!你生活中80%的问题都可以用这个套路解决雅思口语Part1如何展开话题思路?奇怪的面试美国春招校园招聘会陆续到来,参加之前一定要看这场直播解析!港校近期新增专业解析!附香港留学申请高频问题解答Common App悄悄公布2023-2024申请季主文书题目,开写吧!