











当时男孩还留下了手写遗书 :“奶奶,我前天把学校的玻璃撞碎了,我知道要被惩罚,所以我跳楼了。”







 这些日子天热,纵然是杜睿再宠杜云莲,这般时节也不禁对杜云莲的管束严了几分,那些爬高摸底的事情,也都不让她做了,杜云莲自己也觉得炎热难当,这几日除了来杜睿的书房听他授课,便是闷在自己的闺房中,心里早就开始长草了。   一进书房,都没想起来要向李承乾行礼,便扑到了杜睿的身边,抱着杜睿的胳膊,大吵起来。   李承乾也不介意,反而十分喜欢杜云莲的童趣,他看重杜睿,自然对杜睿府上的人,也青眼有加,杜云莲又是杜睿的嫡亲妹妹,李承乾来的时候,也经常拿些宫中有趣的东西来哄杜云莲开心。   “小莲儿!不好好在房中待着,跑到这边做什么?”杜睿说着,还宠溺的帮杜云莲擦去额头上的汗水。   杜云莲委屈道:“三哥!在房里太无趣了,我让你陪我去玩!”    杜睿有心答应,但是一想到外面那能把人都烤出油来的天气,赶紧换了心思,道:“这大热天的,人出去站着都要流汗,还能玩什么?听三哥的话,去找你姐姐们,也学着做些女红!”    杜云莲一听这个,小脑袋摇得好似拨浪鼓一般,道:“不去!不去!要是去学女红,我还不如回房睡觉!三哥!要不然你给我讲故事吧!”这首歌”。红断断续续地说。我忽然明白了什么,对他悄悄地说:“这和钟楼正中午时放的音乐一样”!红惊喜的盯着我,并召集了所有成员(黑、蓝、黄),并叫我绿,我们一起在钟楼那里观 鬼子士兵听到联队长命令以后,个个加快了吃饭速度。其实他们也很恼火,这样来来回回的让他们感到很烦,几次都有人想不顾一切的冲上去,但是长官总是命令不许追击。这次长官终于下令消灭敌人了,他们心中的闷气也消除了些,一个个都卯足了劲准备消灭敌人。   “队长,东面和南面的鬼子哨兵都已经干掉了。其他两面由于需要绕过鬼子军营,暂时还没有动手。”    “不急,我们的目的不是消灭多少鬼子,而是拖延鬼子的进军速度,大家抓紧时间休息,准备下午继续去袭扰鬼子。”    “明白”    四人经过短暂的交流后,开始轮流休息,顺便吃了点干粮以补充体力。这样来来回回的折腾,他们的体力也是消耗很大。   大约四十分钟以后,鬼子开始收拾行装继续向马山根据地进发。他们的目的很明确,就是要一举消灭马山一带的抗日武装。   “砰砰…砰砰…”    鬼子刚刚行军不到半个小时,陈景辉他们又开始偷袭鬼子。可让他们感到奇怪的是,鬼子这次并没有立刻还击,而是所有人迅速的寻找掩体躲避,同事做好了进攻的准备。   “砰砰…”    陈景辉他们又开了几枪,可鬼子依然没有任何还击的动向,还是静静的躲避在掩体后面。   “不好,情况有些不对,大家赶……”    “啾……啾……啾……”    经过几分钟的试探,他发现鬼子依然没有反击的趋势,这让他感觉到不大对劲。就在他想喊大家赶紧撤退的时候,空中传来了炮弹撕破长空的声音。   “轰轰轰”    三发炮弹瞬间就在距离他们几十米远的地方爆炸,几棵大树直接被拦腰炸断,开始冒起了黑夺他人之造化,虽然谈不上人吃人,但是生死却是必须看透。   所以死而复生对于他来说绝对是幸事,更何况重生到了洪荒,更是无上的大机缘。   虽然这里天仙遍地走,金仙不如狗,但是只要活着就有希望,反正他也是死过一次的人了。   接着龙珏很快就进入一种玄奥的状态,同时不周山的灵气也是疯狂的凝聚起来。   “不周龙脉!”不知道过了多长时间,龙珏终于清醒了过来,心中激动不已。。   刚刚他获得这一句身体的传承,他竟然是不周山的龙脉之一。不周山的龙脉是什么?乃是整个洪荒的灵气之祖,也是整个洪荒的气运所聚。   他虽然是不周山内山上一个不起眼的龙脉,但这是不周山,放在外面也是一个巨型龙脉。要是在后世,这就是一个祖龙脉,可以帮助一个门派立下万世根基。   而且他是一个有灵智的龙脉,更是可以自己修炼,凝聚天地间的灵气,自动进化。   整个不周山一共有十大祖龙脉,每一个龙脉都是巨大无比,比起传说中的昆仑山或者海外三仙岛都是不差丝毫。   但是这里可是不周山,擎天之柱,虽然很多大能在这里修炼,却是没有一个人敢挪移或者私自占有这些龙脉,因为只要谁挪移了这龙脉,那么恐怖的业力,即使圣人也要立刻暴毙。   而龙珏却是靠着吞噬这些龙脉而成长,甚至最后一举吞噬这十大祖龙脉也不是不可能。,Subhuti, what do you mean by cloud? If you are reading, I should be a sentient being. Subhuti, don't do is read, why? There is no such thing as a Buddha. If there is a sentient being called Tathagata, the Tathagata has four phases: I, man, sentient being and longevity. Subhuti means: Tathagata, have the heart of sentient beings. Subhuti thinks: Tathagata has the heart to help all living beings. Does he have this heart? Buddha is asking him: Subhuti, what is the meaning of cloud? What do you think? In other words, what do you think of this matter, this problem? Do you mean that the Tathagata has the heart to relieve sentient beings? It is wrong to say the Diamond Sutra. You should not call the Tathagata's work a thought. Don't think that the Tathagata says that the Vajrayana Sutra is to save all living beings. Don't think that the Tathagata is to save all living beings. I should be a sentient being. The Buddha is called Subhuti. Don't have this view. Don't think that the Tathagata says the Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra is for sentient beings. This is wrong. Subhuti, what do you mean to say: Tathagata has the heart to take care of all living beings. Buddha sent Subhuti's suspicion to him. Buddha said that this sutra of Vajra Prajna Paramita does not have a mind of sentient beings, so don't think about it. Why? The essence of all living beings is Buddha, and all living beings are Buddha. This is the Mahayana doctrine. In particular, the Hua Yan Sutra is devoted to this issue, which is contained in many volumes of scriptures. It is said that all sentient beings are Buddhas. If the Tathagata is to make all sentient beings Buddhas, this is a lie. What do you mean by lying? It is me, human beings, sentient beings and longevity, not only I, what I think, this is what I think and what I think in my heart. Although all sentient beings have Buddha nature, if it is said that if it is not because of Buddha, how can he realize? With what practice can one become a Buddha? It is we who hear the Buddha's words, and only by listening to the Buddha's words can we realize this truth and become Buddhists. This Buddha tells us that Buddha transforms sentient beings into beings without transforming them. Buddha does not transform the mind of sentient beings and no sentient beings are transformed by Buddha. This is the characteristic of Vajrayana Sutra. This is why it is different from other Sutras. The Buddha has repeatedly instructed Subhuti that you must not have this kind of thought. You must not say that the Tathagata is for the sake of sentient beings, whether it is the Tathagata saying, the Tathagata practicing, or the Tathagata coming out of the world. Many other sutras say that the great cause of Buddha's birth is the salvation of all living beings. The Diamond Sutra sends out this thought and tells Subhuti that you should not have this idea. Why not call you this idea because of Buddha's salvation of all living beings and why? Subhuti, don't do is read, what reason? The reason is very simple, there is really no such thing as Buddha, so I ask you not to say that Buddha can do it. Because there is really no sentient being, such as Buddha. If there are sentient beings such as Buddha, Buddha has me, human beings, sentient beings and longevity. If the Buddha wants to have this idea, I will have the idea of sentient beings, I will have the idea of sentient beings, I am Buddha, and sentient beings are sentient beings, then the Buddha has four distinct phases: I, human beings, sentient beings and longevity. In fact, the Buddha does not have me, human beings and sentient beings. Therefore, the Buddha enjoins Subbodhi that you do not have the idea of Buddha's idea of sentient beings, and at the same time you do not have doubts. Therefore, tell him not to do is to read, that is what this means. Don't do this, Buddha has no sentient beings to be able to live, no sentient beings to become Buddha, and no Buddha to live. To eliminate this idea, although all sentient beings have Buddha nature, can they be enlightened by themselves if they do not listen to what has been said? What makes you practice to become a Buddha? This is a rhetorical question, that is, let us understand that Buddha is not persistent, nor does he have my own view, human view, sentient beings view, and longevity view. Buddha transforms all living beings into nothing. Buddha transforms all living beings into beings without seeing each other and without being able to transform. There is no Buddha who can be changed, nor is there any sentient beings that can be changed. Let's understand it this way. The meaning is very deep. Let's get rid of all persistence. Because we sentient beings know and see too deeply, especially we draw the common people and Buddha very clearly, which is wrong. For example: Patriarch Danxia, he broke the attachment of the master of a temple, that is, the master monk. Buddha's heart, the heart of all living beings; Buddha's image, sentient beings' image. Persistence is very serious, he went to visit him. Seeing the temple, he went to the main hall. It was winter and the weather was very cold. Patriarch Danxia took down the wooden Buddha statues and split them, lit a fire and baked them. The abbot monk, still can promise him? I started to argue with him. The abbot said: How do you split the Buddha? How did you burn my Buddha statue? He said: I am looking for sarira. The abbot monk said: What relic is in this wood? He said: Oh, there is no sarira in the wood. I'll burn another one if there is no sarira. How do you understand? He is breaking away from this master's knowledge and vision. He is too clear about the Buddha's vision, my vision and all beings' vision. He breaks away from his knowledge and vision. As soon as he burned, he said, ' I am looking for sarira.' Where is the sarira in this place? Where is the sarira in the wooden statue? Why did he worship him without sarira? What is he doing? I'll burn another one and the host will be enlightened. Do you know the reason for his enlightenment? He disavowed his knowledge. Buddha means there is no difference among all beings. The Buddha is wood, not the real Buddha. If we normally regard Buddha statues as wood, can you practice? We really regard the Buddha as the real Buddha. There are several aspects: to a certain kind of person, it is Zen meditation for that old practitioner. he reached the peak and was too clear about the difference between Buddha and sentient beings. Patriarch Danxia broke his belief. This is not something we can use casually. You also went to the temple to take a Buddha statue and split it, then you can commit crimes and shed blood. He didn't, so there is a lot of scripture, don't misunderstand. You must not do that until then. For example, a Zen master, who has been sitting and participating in Zen for 120 years, how can you compare? You can also go there and sit there. how can you compare yourself with him for more than 20 or 30 years? You can only gain by yourself. There was a man selling tofu. when he went to jinshan temple to deliver tofu, he looked at master sitting like this. he said, ' master, one year he also sits like this when delivering tofu, and two years he sits like this. is it any good to sit like this every day?' It must be good. He asked the guest teacher, I also want to sit down. The guest teacher said, ' No, how can you run and sit down?' He said, ' I will not sit inside. the masters will sit inside the door. I will sit outside the door and sit at the back door. is that possible?' The hostess asked him to grind and say, ' okay, okay, you are not allowed to talk or make any noise here.' He sat at the back, waited for a fight, and then said to the guest teacher, ' alas, I have gained a lot from this sitting.' The insider said: What have you gained? He said: I owe me the tofu account three years ago. I have long forgotten it. I remembered several accounts in this sitting. I should go to ask for the account and collect the money. What do you think of this story? How do you understand? Therefore, we should calm down, calm down the crazy heart and floating heart. Like him who has no wisdom, we can realize wisdom. Wisdom can illuminate itself, so-called open wisdom is open mind, open mind is wisdom, simply say wisdom now. Before wisdom comes to light, can it be life or death? In the past, present and future, you have known and completely laid down your body, mind and body, seeing that it is empty, that is the meaning. Buddha does not have sentient beings, nor does he have this idea. I am capable and sentient beings are what I am capable of. If there is such an idea, if he is not a Buddha, he will not succeed, that is the meaning. Subhuti certainly understood, so the Buddha asked Subhuti: Do you think so? The Tathagata's work is to chant me to save all living beings. What if there is such an idea? It is wrong. Subhuti, don't do is read, there is no sentient beings Buddha degree. I'll tell you the truth, in fact, there is not a sentient being who is Buddha. If the Tathagata wants all beings to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be The Buddha has long been dead, without me, human beings, sentient beings and longevity. That's why he said: ' Buddha spends all day without seeing sentient beings.' Because the Buddha knows Subhuti still has doubts, his heart is still not clean, and he still thinks that all living beings are what the Buddha does. All living beings are enlightened by Buddha. Buddha is enlightened by being enlightened, so Buddha wants to be enlightened. Buddha replied: All living beings do not want me to do it, nor do I want to do it. Why? All sentient beings are full of Buddha nature. All sentient beings are Buddha. This everybody can want deep participation, all living beings are Buddha originally, born Buddha has no two, heart and Buddha have no two, no two is one. All sentient beings are Buddhas and are just lost in enlightenment. This truth should be taken into consideration. It's not that scripture can't be told according to the text, but that the participant is thinking. You have to see the body, and the body is the same. No matter what its appearance is, it is the same. For example: wood. If this wood is carved into a Buddha statue, everyone will offer it there and kowtow for worship. If this wood is made into a chair, all of us will sit on it and put it under our buttocks. One kowtows and worships every day and the other sits under his buttocks. Are these two the same? But they are all made of wood. It turns out that they are all made of wood. From this truth, we all realize that the essence is the same, and all living beings and Buddha are one body. He is lost and fallen, that is, all living beings. Has he realized? Enlightenment is Buddha. The Buddha is clear, clear, sentient beings are Buddhas, future Buddhas, Buddhas are accomplished Buddhas. One has become, one has not yet become, it turned out to be one. So Subhuti, the Tathagata, said, ' If there is me, there is no me.' I am a pseudonym, I am not me, then there must be me, but ordinary people don't think so, think it is me. He thought I said I was me, said I was not me, we can understand from what we said. As we say fire, fire is not fire. When talking about fire, it is not fire, but fire, not burning our mouths, burning our tongues, this pseudonym. But if you don't say fire, how can people understand that you mean fire? Let me understand here that this is a false statement. What about Buddha? Buddha is not Buddha, that's the meaning. So Subhuti, the Tathagata, said, ' If there is me, there is no me.' Tathagata said: I am not me. However, ordinary people are persistent, saying that I am not him or you, saying that I am me, respectively. Buddha said: Ordinary people think there is me. The Buddha was afraid of Subhuti clinging to the common people. The Tathagata said, ' The common people are not common people, but common people.' Every diamond sutra has a 30% discount, a pseudonym that follows the world, and an explicit truth. No, after that, they follow the world, so all Buddhas become Buddhas, and they also show that they are just like people. Just understand this truth. The Tathagata said that I am pure in nature, and that I am always happy and pure. I am always happy and clean, not ordinary people who are greedy, angry, stupid, ignorant and false, but I am false. Buddha said that I am always happy and I am clean and virtuous. Therefore, the ordinary people think it is me, and the ordinary people have me, some people, and some people's opinions. That is the ordinary people. Why? Is there birth and death in the heart of the common man, so it is called the common man. The heart of a saint has no birth and death. He is not the common man. The man who has realized Prajnaparamita is not the common man. The man who has lost the Prajnaparamita is the common man. Therefore, ordinary people are not ordinary people, and when ordinary people realize prajnaparamita, they are not ordinary people. Another kind of said, the heart can have some, can have some ordinary, the heart is incompetent, is not ordinary, is the equality law, the law is equal. It is the equality of the law and there is no superiority or inferiority, that is to say, the suspicion is completely removed, the transcendence is immediately entered, and Bodhi is established. That is the Buddha, and all beings are equal. Subhuti, what do you mean by cloud? Can you view the Tathagata in 32 phases? Subhuti, do you think Buddhism is thirty-two and eighty good? Subhuti said: So it is. Yes, it is like this. I view the Tathagata in 32 phases. The Buddha said Subhuti: If you look at the Tathagata in 32 phases, the wheel of the holy king is the Tathagata. If you think of yourself as a Tathagata with 32 phases, you are wrong. Why? There are also 32 phases in the runner king. isn't that why the runner king has become a Buddha? Hearing this, Subhuti made a wrong answer, so he quickly corrected it. Subhuti White Buddha said: Buddha, as I understand the meaning of Buddha, should not view the Tathagata in 32 phases. How should we view the Tathagata? Therefore, the dharma body is not a phase. Tathagata: such as person, such as motionless; Newcomers, come and not come. Should appear in the world, should appear. Dharma is dharma body, because Subhuti's perseverance has not been completely eliminated and there is still this problem. Therefore, the Buddha has raised such a question mark for him. It is supposed to be asked, but Subhuti does not know the meaning of Buddha, so he answered it easily and did not intend to answer it. If so, he is right. Buddha said he was wrong. What should he do? After the Buddha said this, he knew and understood that he did not view the Tathagata in 32 phases, because the runner king has 32 phases and is the same as the Buddha. The runner king is far from the Tathagata. How can he compare with the Tathagata? He saw that his thoughts and worries were not broken, so Subhuti immediately turned around and said that if I understood the meaning of Buddha and said that Buddha asked me, I answered casually. If you ask me further, I know what you mean. You should not look at the Tathagata with the thirty-two phases. You should not look at the Buddha with the thirty-two phases. Now Subhuti is completely clear. At this Prajna meeting, Subhuti has entered the realm of Great Bodhisattva. He is not the original two-way person, but only the person and me. He has already entered the court of justice, so he should not reply了,你们就说我出去有事,很快就回来了。然后皇帝就和我出去把士兵们带回来,皇帝回来后小丑还没来,我就趁机躲在桌子下,又过来一会儿,小丑终于来了,这次小丑又给皇帝送来了一台乐高电脑,并教皇帝在上面玩游戏,皇帝玩的都停不下来了,小丑偷偷拿出了一把剑,用力向皇帝刺去,我使用木元素胜了,还要五个乐高人也被留了下来接受训练跟着定位装置,我们到了一座火山脚下,我们坐着车一路开进了云里,可又不像云,因为云没有这么大一片的,听了当地居民的谈话,才知道这叫云海,在云海里的视线越来越模糊,能见度越来越低了,只能看见距离两米内的东西,突然,前面出现一块大石头功的,不过,他们的武功只能打架杀人,却不能救人。”    不是吧,什么时候武功如此泛滥了!   杨枫震惊,他原先以为,这世界就算存在这武功之类的,也多想是小说里写的,把门派立在深山老林中,轻易不再外面行走。   不过杨枫也不想想,现在是现代社会,天南大学这样的名牌大学,能够进入其中的,头脑是绝对没有问题的,而练武之人,在头脑方面也可能比一般人要好,因此天南大学这样精英荟萃的地方,自然不缺乏练武之人。   “杨枫,你说你治疗一次,就能保证我十天的健康?那日后呢,你能不能继续帮我治疗啊,你放心,我会补偿你的。”,他一副高兴的样子说:“这不是元素战士吗?想不二、白三、白四、白五一起来想办法,城墙也不高,难怪历史上刘备打荆南时,包括长沙太守韩玄在内的几个不愿投降的都是出城接战,这么矮,又不结实的城墙,能守得住才是怪了。   张锋一路经过大大小小的城池时,均是按人头收的城门税,到了这里,守门的小校踮着脚看了看他们车队,只收了两金,就挥手让他们进城了。 轻轻吐出一口浊气,林逸脸上的笑容很明显,终于把三千雷动初步练成了,还真是艰难啊!   单单是等打雷刮风,就等了整整五天,炼化风雷之力的时候,还差点被烤熟了!好不容易成功驯服雷电之力,结果把衣服给烧了个干净,差点被小师妹给“斩了大蛇”。   这其中的坎坷,还真是够让人不寒而栗的。   不过一切都是值得的,单单是这三千雷动第一阶段“雷闪”的速度,就对得起林逸这一顿雷劈了!   “师兄,你刚刚练的,就是三千雷动吗?”邀月望着林逸,眼中的激动之色难以掩饰。   她很清楚,《明玉经》上记载着的配套轻功,在速度上远远比不上林逸之前的身法,至少在一流境界来看是这样的。   身具风雷之力,在速度方面,林逸占了太大的便宜。   林逸点了点头:“是的,正是三千雷动,等你们成功把体内的风雷之力与明玉真气融合,到时候应该也可以练成三千雷动。”    “到时候,同境界里应该没有人能够比你们更快,即使是超过你们一个大境界的武者,也未必能追的上你们。”大叫,结果被黄忠一栗子敲得不做声了。路两边灰色的低舍倒是整整齐齐,门口坐满了乘凉的人,却是直接一屁股坐在雨水冲洗过的地上,根本不怕将来会患上风湿或关节炎。完蓝就给我拿了碗饭,我飞快的吃了下去,我完全恢复后就问二队怎么样了。                          



























































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非洲与「饿」的距离 上学时饿到昏倒 一餐热食人生也因此被翻转


6同工给难民送物资仅三人回来 用生命保护来之不易的物资









多伦多华人女房东遇“租霸”,被逼跳楼自杀!北美多位华人遭遇无赖租客,苦不堪言,竟还有人建“租房者分享坑房东”群!她是央视主播,退休5个月后客死他乡,临终留26字遗言让人警醒17岁儿子跳楼自杀后,45岁父亲卧底“约死群”,发现了一个让无数父母后悔的人生真相.....“500块包夜不戴套”:花季少女惨遭欺辱10年,真相让人细思极恐非裔精神病患者地铁闹事被锁喉勒死!纽约人为他讨公道!16岁男孩法拉盛天景中心跳楼美国入境档案--曾世英曾世荣震惊!洛杉矶男子千里奔赴犹他州,枪杀弟弟全家后放火烧屋,被警察当场击毙他跳楼自杀,但故事没有结束震惊!双尸命案:华人女医生被捆绑手脚高空抛下 凶手也跳楼自杀!触目惊心!海归女硕士闪婚41天,逼得老公掏出1800万后跳楼自杀,细节曝光!法院终于判了!钱财全部退还!《我是真的》情节很有意思看呆众人!海归女硕士闪婚,老公被逼掏出1800多万后跳楼自杀!细节终于曝光,真相是什么?2023·三月的暴雪闪婚41天!海归女硕士逼得老公掏出1800万后跳楼自杀,细节让人触目惊心!法院终于判了!钱财全部退还!太恐怖了!新州teenager在CBD商场跳楼自杀!曾就读精英中学,具体原因正在调查中武汉被撞身亡男孩妈妈跳楼自杀!网暴,再一次让我看到了人性的恶...谷歌高管从纽约总部跳楼自杀!今年第2例...刚刚!又一起液化气爆炸,真相让人扎心......【社会】父亲割喉杀死5岁女儿后,跳楼自杀儿子在学校被撞身亡,母亲在网暴声中跳楼自杀,比《活着》更惨的是现实湖北男生偷拍女厕后跳楼自杀,父母反手索赔200万?网友:荒唐!网友偶遇一只“真实版哆拉A梦”,真相让人啼笑皆非!风月女神陈宝莲:15岁为母“卖身”当艳星,29岁跳楼自杀,太可怜了...多少中国孩子,毁在了父母的“不信任”上不满被宿管没收手机,女孩放火烧宿舍,同学葬身火海,20条人命消逝....31岁男从曼哈顿谷歌总部跳楼自杀!今年第二宗!生前是谷歌软件工程师...多少设计师,毁在了施工图上!2名花季少女直播跳楼自杀,背后原因让全网愤怒……为骗保险金放火烧车!纽约46岁男开车到外州纵火恐怖!加拿大惊现"双尸命案"!华人女医生手脚被捆推下楼,嫌疑男畏罪跳楼自杀!多名群众现场目睹...妻子买149元榴莲被丈夫痛骂:多少婚姻,毁在不懂疼惜…5岁华裔女孩遭父亲割喉身亡!外籍男子长期控制中国妻子,对女儿下狠手后跳楼自尽!小偷入室震惊!加拿大华人女医生被捆绑手脚高空抛下 !凶手也跳楼自杀!【大虾绿咖喱】