关于这件事,昨天也就是5月22日,孙燕姿老师亲自回帖了。在她的私人网站MakeMusic 上,孙燕姿老师新发布一篇博文,名为《我的AI》,专门做出回应。我看后大为震动,没想到别人专业唱歌,用业余时间写一点文章也写得那么好。迄今为止,有两位艺人给我上过作文课。第一位是周慧敏,第二位则是孙燕姿。周慧敏的那篇识于微时就写得很好,现在孙燕姿这篇《我的AI》还要更好一些。来《槽边往事》的许多读者整天喜欢讨论文笔,孙燕姿老师这篇文章是用英文写成的,那现在怎么讨论文笔呢?我欣赏这篇文章的原因,根本就不在于文笔,而是透过这些文字,我惊奇地意识到孙燕姿作为歌手对于AI 也有相当程度的理解,而且拥有自己的深入思考。同时,在这篇文章里也能窥见她的胸襟和气度,一睹她的精神世界,当真是风华绝代。
虽然在孙燕姿老师的博客里,也提供了一个中文翻译版本。但因为我很喜欢这篇文字,所以自己也翻译了一遍。以下是中英文对照版,大家也都可以感受一下:As my AI voice takes on a life of its own while I despair over my overhanging stomach and my children's every damn thing, I can't help but want to write something about it.当我在为自己日渐隆起的肚腩和孩子们的破事而烦恼时,我的人工智能歌声却不胫而走,四处流传,于是我有些话想要一吐而快。My fans have officially switched sides and accepted that I am indeed 冷门歌手 while my AI persona is the current hot property. I mean really, how do you fight with someone who is putting out new albums in the time span of minutes.在我的人工智能角色成为目前的热门人物之时,我的粉丝们已经正式临阵反正,改旗易帜,接受了我确实是个“冷门歌手”的现实。说真的,你怎么可能打得过一个在几分钟之内就能出一张新专辑的家伙?
Whether it is ChatGPT or AI or whatever name you want to call it, this "thing" is now capable of mimicking and/or conjuring, unique and complicated content by processing a gazillion chunks of information while piecing and putting together in a most coherent manner the task being asked at hand. Wait a minute, isn't that what humans do? The very task that we have always convinced ourselves; that the formation of thought or opinion is not replicable by robots, the very idea that this is beyond their league, is now the looming thing that will threaten thousands of human conjured jobs. Legal, medical, accountancy, and currently, singing a song. 不管是叫它ChatGPT 还是 AI 又或者任何其他名字,这个“东西”能够处理无数段信息,并且以最为连贯的方式把你的案头工作给组合起来,以此模仿和/或创造独特而复杂的内容。等一等!这不是就是人类会做的事情么?我们一直都在说服自己坚信:思考和观点的形成,是机器人所无法替代的人类独有任务,这远远超出了机器人的能力范围。但现在步步紧逼的AI 即将威胁到成千上万个人类工作岗位,诸如法律、医学、会计等行业,以及现在这篇博客正在讨论的---歌唱。
You will protest, well I can tell the difference, there is no emotion or variance in tone/breath or whatever technical jargon you can come up with. Sorry to say, I suspect that this would be a very short term response.当然你会反驳说:我还是能分辨出真人和AI 歌声之间的区别,在声音/气息(或者任何你能想到的音专业术语)上,AI 没有任何情绪或者变化。但是对不起,我怀疑这只会是很短的一段时间而已。
Ironically, in no time at all, no human will be able to rise above that. No human will be able to have access to this amount of information AND make the right calls OR make the right mistakes (ok mayyyybe I'm jumping ahead). This new technology will be able to churn out what exactly EVERYTHING EVERYONE needs. As indie or as warped or as psychotic as you can get, there's probably a unique content that could be created just for you. You are not special you are already predictable and also unfortunately malleable.讽刺的是,很快就没有任何人类能够超越AI。没有人类能够在获取如此之多信息的同时,还能做出正确的决策,又或者是做出正确的错误(好吧,也许我的想法有点太过跳跃了)。这项技术能够为每个人精准地制造出每样他们所需要的东西。无论你有多独立、多变态、多疯狂,AI 都能为你度身定做出独特的内容。你并没有那么特别,因为你已经可以被AI 所预测。不幸的是,你同样也可以被AI 所塑造。
At this point, I feel like a popcorn eater with the best seat in the theatre. (Sidenote: Quite possibly in this case no tech is able to predict what it's like to be me, except when this is published then ok it's free for all). It's like watching that movie that changed alot of our lives Everything Everywhere All At Once, except in this case, I don't think it will be the idea of love that will save the day.在这个意义上来说,我感觉自己正坐在电影院里最好的位子上吃爆米花的观众。(旁注:在这种情况下,很可能没有任何科技能够预测我此刻的感受,除非我把这篇博文发布出去,好吧,大家现在随便看吧)。这感觉就像是在观看那部改变了我们生活的电影《瞬息全宇宙》,但不同于电影剧情,这一次爱并不能拯救世界。In this boundless sea of existence, where anything is possible, where nothing matters, I think it will be purity of thought, that being exactly who you are will be enough. 在这无边无际的存在之海里,一切皆有可能,一切全无所谓。我想,能够拥有思虑纯净和保持自我,这就已经足够。
With this I fare thee well.
▣ 孙燕姿个人网站:
所有图片AI算法提供:Midjourney V5.1
槽边往事和菜头 出品
在《午间听歌:孙燕姿新专辑(未演唱未发布版)》发布之后,很快就有读者留言说,那个B 站的UP 主已经把所有用AI 创作的孙燕姿翻唱歌曲都删除了。很遗憾的事情,这本来是很好的探索,但是这样的探索法律风险太高,高到普通人所无法承受的程度。
但是孙燕姿看到了,而且做出了回应,我想这就是对那位辛勤的UP 主最好的奖励。古语说:为得周郎顾,时时误拂弦。我觉得他为歌迷们探索出了一条接近偶像的全新道路。即便是换来这句金句也值了:“You are not special you are already predictable and also unfortunately malleable.”《当第一代PC 使用者老去》
Midjourney V5.1