






今年,惠宜教育再度请来波士顿著名私立寄宿高中圣马可学校St Mark's School现任英语老师,哥伦比亚大学西方文学与历史系博士Dr. Barnes,为8到11年级的孩子们选择了16本最适合各年级,不同年龄阶段与心理成长的书目。书籍类型囊括了真实传记、科幻小说、历史传记、悬疑推理小说、现实主义小说等等,内容涵盖了种族平等、战争反思、科学幻想等丰富的主题,旨在以多题材、多主题、多艺术类型的书籍,提升孩子对阅读的兴趣,在阅读过程中加深对世界的思考,对自我的认知,同时学习、积累英语语言的运用技巧。这个暑假,让精彩的故事和无限的想象伴孩子度过吧......


八年级8th GRADE

The Giver

by Lois Lowery


This dystopian novel follows a twelve-year-old boy named Jonas who has inherited the past memories of his entire community in order to gain wisdom from their collective history. Grappling with themes of religion, memory, and eugenics, The Giver is a mainstay of middle school literature courses.


by Samira Ahmed

这本小说讲述了一个关于一个名叫莱拉·阿明的 17 岁女孩的故事,莱拉与她的父母一起被迫进入了一个穆斯林美国集中营,为争取自由而战。在这个感人的解放故事中,蕾拉领导了一场反抗守卫和集中营管理者的叛乱。

A provocative and entertaining story about a seventeen-year-old girl named Layla Amin, this novel recounts how Layla is forced into a Muslim-American concentration camp alongside her parents. Fighting for her freedom, Layla leads a revolt against the guards and the camp’s director in a moving tale of liberation.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 

by John Boyne


Now a major motion picture, this is a Holocaust novel about two young boys that become fast friends despite the horrors of World War II. Written by John Boyne in a remarkable two days, this novel calls attention to moral issues surrounding complacency in a culture that fails to act against hatred.

A Long Walk to Water

by Linda Sue Park


Based on a true story, the novel Illustrates the challenges faced by two Sudanese children. In particular, A Long Walk to Water forces readers to confront the fact that many children around the world do not have access to clean water. Park wrote the novel as a platform to support the organization “Water for South Sudan”.

九年级 9ThGRADE

The House on Mango Street

by Sandra Cisneros 


This novel is beautifully written as a series of short stories following a young Latina girl named Esperanza. Growing up in a rough Chicago neighborhood, Esperanza invites the reader to empathize with challenging and heartwarming experiences as she lives through high school in the big city.


by Laurie Halse Anderson


As a freshman in high school, Melinda is immediately made an outcast after a friend’s summer party goes awry. This multi-award-winning novel is a perfect read for young high schoolers dealing with emotional change and social challenges surrounding friendship. Speak takes the reader deep into how the actions of others directly affect how one views themselves and their surrounding community.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

by Zora Neale Hurston

这本书以闪回的方式珍妮克劳福德最好的朋友菲奥比复述了她自己的生活故事。读者了解到珍妮是如何着贫困的生活,并在三段婚姻中挣扎。这是一部精彩的关于 1930 年代美国关系、权力和不平等的故事

The book retells the story of Janie Crawford’s life to her best friend Pheoby in an extended flashback. A dynamic character, the reader learns that Janie lives an impoverished life and has struggled through three marriages. This novel will not disappoint as a story about relationships, power, and inequality in 1930s America.

For Whom the Bell Tolls 

by Ernest Hemingway


This is the story of life during the Spanish-American War where a man named Robert Jordan fights for the leftist Republicans against Fascist Nationalists. While the novel details the grim realities of war, it also follows Robert’s equally important travails with love and courage. The book is an excellent read for ninth graders as they experience their own inner tribulations.

十年级10th GRADE

The Bluest Eye  

by Toni Morrison


Toni Morrison’s first novel tells the story of Pecola, a young African American girl growing up in Ohio in the years following the Great Depression. Pecola wishes that her eyes would turn blue so that she would be viewed as beautiful like all the blond-haired, blue-eyed girls in her school. The book deals with many heavy themes surrounding racism in America, and provides a necessary perspective for any young reader.

Native Son 

by Richard Wright


This dark, intense novel follows Bigger Thomas as he goes into a downward spiral after committing a horrendous crime in a moment of panic. This book is revolutionary, not only for the way it lives inside of the mind of this young man, but also how it provides insight into the circumstances that led to this moment in this young man’s life. 


by Marjane Satrapi

这本生动的回忆录是Marjane 6 到 14 岁的故事,描述了伊斯兰革命期间在伊朗长大的生活状况。在这一重大历史事件中,孩子的视角让各个年龄段的人都能更好地理解这个复杂的话题,并与叙述者一同了解这个事件的社会影响。

This graphic memoir provides an accessible and engaging view into what it was like to grow up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Told from Marjane’s perspective from the ages of 6 to 14, this child’s eye view into this major historical event allows people of all ages to better understand this complex topic and learn along with the narrator.

A Place Where the Sea Remembers 

by Sandra Benitez

这部宏大而又引人入胜的小说以墨西哥圣地亚哥为背景,讲述了一对夫妇 Chayo 和 Candelario 的故事。他们在终于拥有了一个孩子后,引发的一系列别的事情,并以他们从未想象过的方式影响着周围的每个人。

This sweeping, mesmerizing novel, set in Santiago, Mexico, follows a couple, Chayo and Candelario, as they are finally blessed with the child they thought they might never have. This happy occasion triggers a series of events that affect everyone around them in ways that they never could have imagined.

十一年级11th GRADE


by Tara Westover


Juniors will learn a lot from Westover’s harrowing memoir and her pursuit of education despite her abusive family life. 11th graders are developing their own opinions about current issues, which mirrors Westover’s own experience leaving her family home to attend college.


by Malcolm Gladwell


In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are “good at math”, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band.

Invisible Man 

by Ralph Ellison


First published in 1952 and immediately hailed as a masterpiece, Invisible Man is one of those rare novels that have changed the shape of American literature. For not only does Ralph Ellison's nightmare journey across the racial divide tell unparalleled truths about the nature of bigotry and its effects on the minds of both victims and perpetrators, it gives us an entirely new model of what a novel can be.

In Cold Blood 

by Truman Capote

1959 年 11 月 15 日,在堪萨斯州的霍尔科姆小镇,克拉特家族的四名成员被距离他们脸只有几英寸的猎枪的爆炸残忍地杀害。没有明显的犯罪动机,也几乎没有线索。当杜鲁门卡波特重建谋杀和导致凶手被捕、审判和处决的调查时,这本书包含着令人着迷的悬念。

On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues. As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy.

Dr. Barnes老师简介

Dr. Barnes 是位列寄宿前15,波士顿著名私立高中圣马克中学(St. Mark's School)的现任在职英语与历史老师,主要教授11年级学生的英语以及美国历史课程在加入圣马克中学之前,Dr. Barnes于哥伦比亚大学获得西方文学及历史学博士学位,并在哥伦比亚大学教授本科新生核心课程:Literature of Humanities 。

自从2020年春季与惠宜教育合作推出美高衔接课《美国文学》以来,二年多的时间里,Dr. Barnes带领孩子们阅读了超过20本西方经典人文著作,包括了不起的盖茨比、堂吉柯德、罪与罚、红字、但丁神曲之地狱、失乐园、女仆的故事、科学怪人、过客、路、士兵的重负等西方脍炙人口的经典作品。Dr. Barnes 知识渊博,授课风趣,课堂互动积极,讨论深入,受到学生和家长们一致好评。很多同学在他的带领下,逐渐喜欢阅读英文原版书籍,对英语文学和创作有了更深的理解,校内的英语成绩也有了实质的提高。




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惠宜教育 (PrepEdu Consulting LLC)2015年成立于美国教育之都波士顿,是美国本土高端专业教育咨询机构。惠宜教育是美国独立教育顾问协会(IECA)高级资深会员,美国大学招生咨询委员会(NACAC)会员,美国招生管理协会(EMA)会员及EMA 2019年度华盛顿年会铂金赞助机构。创立至今,惠宜教育帮助三百多名来自中国内地许多城市、美国、加拿大、新加坡、香港、澳洲、西班牙等地的学生们成功申请到优质的美国初中、高中及大学,其中绝大多数是美国最顶尖热门的私立寄宿学校和非常著名的大学,比如菲利普斯埃克塞特,菲利普斯安多福,哈佛大学,麻省理工大学,达特茅斯等。惠宜教育始终把学生和家长的利益放在首位,秉承“高端、专业、诚信、尽责”的服务理念,从真正提高孩子的全面素质入手,为其提供专业的学术背景提升和课外活动规划, 其认真、细致、人性化留学咨询服务获得了家长们极高的口碑。


惠宜教育由留美化学博士波士顿Jing博士创办。波士顿Jing博士从事全职留学顾问多年,身为顶级私立寄宿美高学生的妈妈,Jing博士是美国私立精英教育的受惠者、实践者与传播者,亲自实地、多次走访了美国东西部150多所学校,与许多私立初中、高中都建立起了密切的信任关系。团队成员均毕业于哈佛大学、达特茅斯学院、埃姆赫斯特学院、纽约大学等名校,汇集了顶级美高迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy )和西城中学 (Westtown School) 的前招生官,圣保罗中学 (St. Paul’s School) 的人文学科老师,在加拿大、美国出生长大同时精通中英文的华裔文书老师等教育界精英,为学生提供高端到位的留学咨询和规划服务。团队负责大学申请的美国顾问老师曾在哈佛大学招生办协助工作,并曾长期担任哈佛校友面试官,对美国藤校的招生喜好及录取标准十分熟悉。




单项服务:面试辅导、文书写作、面试陪同 、美国精品文学课程、创意写作课程

PrepEdu Consulting LLC
395 Totten Pond Road Suite 404
Waltham,MA 02451, USA






2022年8-9月美国->中国执行与熔断情况(8.5更)3-15岁的阅读理解练习,我给大家薅来啦!暑期坚持阅读的最佳搭档喜报|惠宜学子获2022年纽约时报夏季阅读比赛二等奖!2022年4-6月31本读书笔记汇总和书单影剧推荐【英文阅读打卡营】14天精读一本国际大奖英文好书,与知名作家线上面对面交流!惠宜教育2022秋季美初写作与阅读课程藏不住了!可汗新推暑期英语精读营,免费,刷100遍都不过瘾财务顾问的夏日推荐书单|巴伦书单全网首发!哈佛2022暑期阅读书单发布,忍不住一口气看完…2022惠宜家长讲座第二场文字+音频:大连男孩录取顶级美初Fay School2022年惠宜教育家长讲座系列预告!2022惠宜家长讲座第三场预告:录取梦校顶级美初Fessenden青岛男孩的申请经历推荐 | Oliver的私人片单(2)5部恐怖片以迎接Nope上映!2022惠宜家长讲座第六场预告:北京女孩录取顶级美高北野山 Northfield Mount Hermon退休爱好1012022惠宜家长讲座第一场文字+音频:杭州男孩到顶级美高Milton的申请之路2022惠宜家长讲座第四场预告:上海男孩录取顶级美初男校Cardigan Mountain School喜报|恭喜两位惠宜学子入围2022年John Locke国际写作竞赛!文革是判别真假革命者的试金石比尔 · 盖茨的暑期书单|巴伦书单2022惠宜教育补录转正捷报:再添一枚菲利普斯安多福和一枚北野山!关注 | 哥大“2022年暑期读物”:在阅读中丰盈精神世界2022年8-9月美国->中国执行与熔断情况(8.12更)2022惠宜家长讲座第三场文字+音频:录取梦校顶级美初Fessenden青岛男孩的申请经历书单 | 摩根大通发布2022年夏季书单,NFT、区块链等话题上榜2022惠宜夏日音乐会​在波士顿老人中心顺利奏响!2022惠宜家长讲座第二场预告:大连男孩录取顶级美初Fay School对家人还保守着一个秘密30位科学家一推荐书就变挑剔?还有人干脆自己写了一本...这个书单要好好收藏在“入户消杀”之后【讲座通知】如何学好寄宿美高的英语与历史课程 - 2022暑期美高学术讲座之三疫苗的成分与毒性帝国理工学员已收到中信证券2022暑期实习Offer!【讲座通知】数学如何爬藤--惠宜教育2022暑期美高学术讲座系列之一惠宜教育2022秋季美高写作竞赛辅导及阅读课程