超脱平凡 驾驶 密市雷克萨斯【8月Erin Park Lexus 特惠】

超脱平凡 驾驶 密市雷克萨斯【8月Erin Park Lexus 特惠】



*Representative lease example based on a 2023 Lexus IS 300 AWD sfx ‘P’ on a 24 month term at an annual rate of 4.8% and Cash Purchase Price of $48,930. Cash Purchase Price includes Freight/PDI ($2,205), Tire Fee ($22.5), Filters ($1), A/C Charge ($100), Dealer Fees (up to $947), and OMVIC Fee ($10). License, insurance, registration (if applicable), and taxes are extra. Monthly payment is $598 with $6,213 down payment or equivalent trade in, lien registration fee (up to $40.00), lien registering agent fee (up to $4), $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total of 24 monthly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $20,565. 32,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. *Representative lease example based on a 2024 Lexus NX 250 AWD sfx ‘A’ on a 24 month term at an annual rate of 5.9% and Cash Purchase Price of $52,230. Cash Purchase Price includes Freight/PDI ($2,205), Tire Fee ($22.5), Filters ($1), A/C Charge ($100), Dealer Fees (up to $947), and OMVIC Fee ($10). License, insurance, registration (if applicable), and taxes are extra. Monthly payment is $608 with $6,697 down payment or equivalent trade in, lien registration fee (up to $40.00), lien registering agent fee (up to $4), $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total of 24 monthly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $21,289. 32,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. *Representative lease example based on a 2023 Lexus RX 350 AWD sfx ‘P’ on a 24 month term at an annual rate of 5.4% and Cash Purchase Price of $61,980. Cash Purchase Price includes Freight/PDI ($2,205), Tire Fee ($22.5), Filters ($1), A/C Charge ($100), Dealer Fees (up to $947)), and OMVIC Fee ($10). License, insurance, registration (if applicable), and taxes are extra. Monthly payment is $748 with $8,062 down payment or equivalent trade in, lien registration fee (up to $40.00), lien registering agent fee (up to $4), $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total of 24 monthly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $26,014. 32,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. *Representative lease example based on a 2024 Lexus UX 250h AWD sfx ‘P’ on a 24 month term at an annual rate of 5.9% and Cash Purchase Price of $45,652. Cash Purchase Price includes Freight/PDI ($2,205), Tire Fee ($22.5), Filters ($1), A/C Charge ($100), Dealer Fees (up to $947), and OMVIC Fee ($10). License, insurance, registration (if applicable), and taxes are extra. Monthly payment is $558 with $5,886 down payment or equivalent trade in, lien registration fee (up to $40.00), lien registering agent fee (up to $4), $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total of 24 monthly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $19,278.32,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. Lexus Dealers are free to set their own prices. Limited time offers only apply to retail customers at participating Lexus Dealers. Dealer order/trade may be required (but may not be available in certain circumstances). Offers are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Offers are effective beginning August 1, 2023, and expire on August 31, 2023, unless extended or revised. See Erin Park Lexus for complete details.


超脱平凡 驾驶 密市雷克萨斯

Erin Park Lexus


亲临: 2360 Motorway Blvd, Mississauga


Special Offer

 2024 NX 250 

$608 /月供+HST




 2023 RX 350 

$748 /月供+HST




 2024 UX 250h 

$558 /月供+HST




 2023 IS 300 

$598 /双周+HST




您在寻找多伦多新车? 多伦多凌志车行Erin Park Lexus是大多伦多区GTA Lexus的卓越的车行,位于密西沙加市的Erin Mills汽车中心内。拥有让您惊喜的雷克萨斯优惠和无与伦比的服务。在这里您会找到最全最好的雷克萨斯新车和顶级品质的二手车!我们专业和经验丰富的团队




2360 Motorway Blvd, Mississauga, L5L 1X3

Mississauga, L5L 1X3




周一至周四:9am - 7pm

周五周六:9am - 6pm


(2月20日2023 始)


周一至周四:7:30am - 7pm

周五:7:30am - 5pm

周六:7:30am - 4pm


Mississauga, L5L 1X3


Contact Our Sales


(部分图文来自网络,所有车型和价格以店内为准,最终解释权归 Erin Park Lexus所有)


UT-Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 学术诚信政策及申诉指南【Lakeridge雷克萨斯】8月 RX350 UXH大量现货巨大折扣 -利息低至 2.9, 另高价现金收车【手机摄影活动】Apple Park Visitor Center【酷玩特惠】9月特惠仅一期!$108/人非洲象室内水上乐园嗨玩一整天!【酷玩特惠】非洲象豪华度假,超低特惠价,拼手速,先报先得!剑指豪华7座SUV市场!Lexus推出全新三排TX系列,太适合华人了花·海【Lakeridge雷克萨斯-7月 RX NX巨折】UXH大量现货 和 incoming, 利息低至 2.9 -另高价现金收车Erklärung zur Zusammenarbeit2023年的当头一棒:我在日本做手术(三)[汽车] 2015 Lexus RC350 F Sport提车简单评测。。。被一辆车辆double park,堵住我走不了【酷玩特惠】8.7周一加开!一票全含!两园夏季清爽,多尼公园特惠!【酷玩特惠】非洲象豪华度假,前5房超低特惠价,拼手速,先报先得!德克萨斯州海滩发现巨型“外星人”海星 网友:像德克萨斯那么大美国弗吉尼亚州国民警卫队根据州长Glenn Youngkin的命令向德克萨斯州边境部署了100名士兵俞敏洪首谈遗嘱;雷克萨斯中国高管被曝涉嫌受贿5000万;内地版微信支付7月起开放境外Visa卡绑定丨邦早报报复,有必要吗?AmEx Delta SkyMiles Gold Business 商业信用卡【80k 开卡奖励】【酷玩特惠】暑期遛娃好去处~芝麻街特惠 $68/人!6.29周四出发,仅此一期!【酷玩特惠】7.4周二出发,国庆乐高看烟火,惊喜特惠$98/人!运动的季节 生于赛道 勇于路上【6月Erin Park Lexus 特惠】原野的呼唤 ( 2 )【8月瑞士泰奥水钜惠】皮肤抗老活化剂 - 提亮美白,保湿嫩肤,效果显著,光滑白皙,今天就预约 !-MediCosmetic【Berklee/NEC/NEU最后步行公寓还不抓紧!】【Fenway中心不可不看的本科生高级公寓!】【8月之前免$1500】这合理吗?多伦多夫妇新买的雷克萨斯,只因装了防盗系统,维修账单高达2万无法保修...【酷玩特惠】一票全含!两园夏季清爽,多尼公园特惠!2023年的当头一棒:我在日本做手术(四)体验德克萨斯州海滩生活:阿兰萨斯港的度假活动和景点指南外孙女就此开启“演艺生涯”?外孙女的理想是当市长?等等Global luxury goods market accelerated after record 2022【酷玩特惠】7.4国庆乐高看烟火,惊喜特惠$98/人!雷克萨斯中国区高管陷“受贿”传闻,当事人称已报警请问,现在8万左右的SUV哪个比较好, accura, lexus, volvo, B, M, A雷克萨斯被蔚小理逼急了Lexus推出全新款TX系列!华人喜欢的这些豪车细节全占满!绝望!多伦多夫妻为防止雷克萨斯SUV被盗做这事,面临$2万账单!《红彤彤的老爸》-忆父亲【最好的朋友在身边,最爱的学校在对面】【Church Park 免租至7/31+中介优惠】【NEU/NEC/Berklee】【Lakeridge雷克萨斯】6月 RX NX 巨大优惠 NXH RXH有现货, NX利息低至1.9 - 另高价现金收车