报个平安,被网爆和人肉地址后怎么应对?时事2023-08-18 23:08陌上美国Telegram channel,欢迎订阅(下载app修改privacy设置;拷贝地址用浏览器打开(微信打开无效);点击“join/进入”):https://t.me/MoshangUS电报读者群https://t.me/+KY6EeBC-aXYzNmMx陌上美国推特 https://twitter.com/MoshangUsa陌上美国YouTube频道(email登录YouTube,订阅):https://www.youtube.com/c/MOSHANGUSA报个平安,事件发生后(参考🔗前文)的这几天跑了所有可以跑的地方,以后也知道类似情况如何应对。理清楚了找各种部门和援助的正确顺序,以及他们各自的职能范畴;第一手经验了解了美国legal system、law enforcement system有哪些资源可以保护我们的安全,有的是属于免费服务,包括法律咨询。这几天学习到的东西赶上几年要学的相关知识啦,进展比我想象的快。我对美国的法制社会是有根本信心的,何况咱这里是美国味十足的保守县,不是啥治安和环境正第三世界化的蓝州蓝区。需要注意的事项和经验就是,遇到这种系统有组织的布局长达数月的攻击,最不要做的就是跟他们在网上纠缠,你在任何群和平台的发言都可能被这伙人无处不在的trolls随时截图,被用于分析你的心理、拿去无耻造谣诽谤、进一步采集你的私人信息等等。最需要做的就是尽快找律师、警方这些部门采取行动,尤其遇到情节恶劣严重的情况时,一天都不要耽误。记住,我们的主场在美国社会你生活的社区,网络虚拟中文世界不是你的主场,也别指望在这种地方能斗得了bully打赢口水战,而且作为有教养的人你怎么斗那种生殖器满天飞语言的恶毒势力;在现实生活里尽快建立保护网才是正解,从美国的立法、司法、刑事部门、媒体等各种机构入手找人。这一次网暴经历也让自己知道了哪些网络挑衅行为属于灰色地带,哪些属于冲击到底线构成可以启动相关保护措施。有很多收获,不仔细展开了,以免变成给极端分子变相研究钻营可乘之机的指南。如果以后谁遇到类似遭遇可以找我咨询处理应对方案,让自己、家人和亲友们安心。当然更希望读到这文章的朋友、网友和陌上的支持者们永远不要用上这些。虽然说政府机构总有些官僚作风,不过这次遇到的人态度都非常友善,耐心十足地服务。有个接待我的还跟我聊到瑞士,我一开始没反应过来以为要笔记我的居住经历,还很正经地努力回忆当时住的那地方名字的刁钻德文发音,结果officer说他自己以前在那一带生活过,原来是顺便跟我聊天呐。在这么严肃的机构场合还出来这样的插曲,我也意想不到。遇到的另一个法务咨询的工作人员,我跟他说到希望用我自己的经历告诉我的读者朋友,遇到此类事件这个国家可以保护到我们。这句话似乎让他很触动,特别认真,帮我咨询相关方向的专业律师并且给了我一堆解决方案的指南资料。在这个有爱的国家我们应该镇定沉着,准确判断不害怕,白色恐怖心理战的那一套邪不压正。祝大家平安,不要失去最基本的勇敢,避免过度恐慌,同时要积极接触身边的社区,有勇有谋地智斗!更别把眼光只放在负能量的人上,多寻找那些有爱又热情的文明同道中人。https://x.com/moshangusa/status/1692577190267830302?s=46&t=NxG7N8JYUIFpo7lYbHqNTQUPDATE: Just want to let you know that in the days following the online harassment and civil stalking incident, I've been seeking help from various resources. I've also learned how to handle similar situations in the future. I've figured out the correct order for reaching out to various departments and seeking assistance, along with understanding their respective areas of expertise. I've gained firsthand experience in understanding the resources within the American legal system and law enforcement system that can protect our safety, some of which are provided as free services, including legal clinics. The progress has been faster than I expected. I have fundamental confidence in the legal society of the United States. This experience of online harassment has also taught me what kinds of online provocations fall into a gray area and which ones cross the line to a point where protective measures can be initiated. There's been a lot of insight gained, but I won't delve into it too deeply to avoid creating a guide for extremist individuals to exploit. If any of my followers encounters a similar situation in the future, you can consult me for advice on handling and responding, to bring peace to you and your families. Of course, I hope that my friends, followers, and supporters who read this post never have to use this knowledge. While it's true that government institutions sometimes exhibit bureaucratic tendencies, the people I encountered this time were incredibly friendly and provided service with great patience. One of the officers who received me even ended up chatting with me about Switzerland. At first, I didn't realize and thought he was going to take notes about my residence history, so I earnestly tried to recall the tricky German name of the place I used to live. Turned out the officer had lived in that region before and was just having a casual conversation with me. I never expected such an amusing anecdote in such a serious institution. I also spoke with another legal consultant about how I hoped to use my own experience to reassure my readers and friends that this country can protect us in events like this. As immigrants from China we need to learn a lot for this. This seemed to deeply resonate with him, and he earnestly helped me by consulting a lawyer in relevant fields and providing me with a lot of guidance materials for potential solutions. In this country filled with love, we should remain calm and composed, accurately assess situations without fear and painic, and resist the tactics of psychological trap and terror. Wishing everyone safe, and may we never lose our courage. Let's actively engage with our communities, facing challenges with courage and strategy! And let's not focus solely on negative individuals; instead, let's seek out those fellows who are loving and enthusiastic in our civilized society.推广👉音乐创新人才全球海选陌上美国推特:@MoshangUsahttps://twitter.com/MoshangUsa电报教育生活群(大陆区之外可用),入群方式:1. 已经有电报的请扫码加入(用手机相机功能对着二维码几秒即可)2. 或者下载Telegram app,修改privacy设置;拷贝地址到微信之外用浏览器打开(微信打开无效);点击“join/进入”):https://t.me/+V5Eq3FRCHsWWj7pR小号 防止失联前文导读《厄瓜多尔留学游记》《正排行第一的电影《自由之声》;主演收养了3名中国残障儿童》《【美西深度游】行程攻略》《78年前的今天人类投下第一颗原子弹,地球命运改变》《又买椟还珠了——挣三十万美元跟国内比?》《崔永元悼念李玟的话直白得吓人》《美国需要国家凝聚力》《“平权法案”的终结与亚裔的基本尊严》《美国宪法中三权分立的根基》《真实的美国南方-路易斯安纳 密西西比 阿拉巴马》《自由的国度没有黄昏》《人类历史上最伟大的逃离》《哈佛女孩孤独的演讲》 陌上美国 快捷独立的时评,和美国生活资讯。欢迎扫码或者点击开头蓝字关注。如何联系我们?工作号微信ID: moshangUS主编微信ID: moonpolarEmail:[email protected]点击左下角“阅读原文”微信扫码关注该文公众号作者戳这里提交新闻线索和高质量文章给我们。来源: qq点击查看作者最近其他文章