八大投行 | J.P.Morgan(UK)2024 暑期实习已开启, 超高转正率
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招聘要求 …
开放岗位:2024 - Corporate - Corporate Analyst Development Program - Summer Internship
岗位职责 …
This 9-week program — a talent pipeline for our full-time rotational Corporate Analyst Development Program — will provide you with the opportunity to work with colleagues across various lines of business to drive growth, ensure operational effectiveness, manage risk and maintain our global reputation for excellence. You’ll gain insight into how our businesses come together to serve our clients around the world.
During the internship you will have the opportunity to develop your foundational skills within one of our lines of business or corporate functions, in one of three core business disciplines:
Analytics: Lead or participate in projects/tasks that involve data analysis methods driven by business need. Identify connections between business opportunities/challenges and underlying data. Compile and present analysis back to stakeholders in a concise and effective manner.
Project Management: Participate in/drive various phases of a project life cycle. Engage the right resources and build relationships to meet project goals. Track, analyse, report and address project issues, identify, document and vet potential solutions.
Process Improvement: Lead the development of a critical process improvement initiative, which may include improvements in process, organization, people and/or technology. Collect, consolidate, and organize data to perform analyses, test hypotheses and size opportunities. Synthesize findings and formulate recommendations and develop change support materials for improvements.
You'll gain a comprehensive view of the firm by working in one of these disciplines. You’ll build your knowledge, network and experience in a fast-paced, collaborative environment. Upon successful completion of the 9 week internship, you may receive an offer of full-time employment.
任职资格 …
A well-rounded academic background is essential
An expected graduation year 2025
Excellent project management and problem-solving skills
Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills
A strong team player who is proactive, responsive and can thrive in a fast-paced, collaborative environment
Aptitude to digest large amounts of information and use it to develop innovative solutions with strong attention to detail
Demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
Enthusiasm for financial services
Relevant internship experience and demonstrated leadership in a school or community organisation
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