不坐班 | 知名翻译公司招中文项目经理

不坐班 | 知名翻译公司招中文项目经理


We are seeking Project Managers for the Translation Department. We are looking for someone passionate about languages, cultures, and who is interested in a long-term career with us. As a Project Manager, you will work in a fast-paced environment, and act as the bridge between our clients and our freelance translators or interpreters. The ideal candidate has experience in translation, project management and customer service.

Job duties and responsibilities:

  • Perform evaluation of costs and prepare project budgets and quotes for clients

  • Coordinate all the project phases and efficiently predict the lifespan of all the stages of the project, through accomplishable deadlines

  • Adhere to applicable policies and procedures

  • Answer client queries thoroughly via chats, phone calls and emails in a timely manner

  • Reports activity in group chats and actively communicates with peers on tasks being worked on

  • Negotiate deadlines and rates with freelancers based on HR freelancer databases

  • Establish and maintain excellent relationships with freelancers globally

  • Monitor and control projects status

  • Manage project finances, including budgeting

  • Perform quality checks at various stages of the process to ensure quality and accuracy (proofreading, final eye)

  • Handle freelancer queries

  • Experience in project management, business administration, and customer service

  • Knowledge in Localization is a plus but not required

  • Knowledge and experience using CAT tools is a plus but not required

  • University degree in Business Administration, Translations or any relevant field is preferred

  • Advanced verbal and written communication skills in English (Native or C1) and fluency in a foreign language

  • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail including the ability to prioritize and multi-task

  • Excellent cross-cultural and interpersonal communication skills

  • Strong sense of professionalism and politeness

Additional details:
  • This is a full-time position (40 hours per week)

  • Remote forever company

  • Paid time off after 6-months of hire: 6 days of paid sick leave per year, 16 days of paid holidays per year (to be chosen by the team member) and 16 days of paid vacation per year, parent and bereavement leave.

群内留言「 pm @小助理 」即可申请



1. 寻找外语工作/兼职/实习的朋友

2. 关注自我提升, 职业发展的朋友

3. 想要了解就业市场动向的同学


1. 精选全球最新外语招聘信息

2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉

3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会


最新机会+分享, 群友优先获取


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