Npj Comput. Mater.: 多相态氧化镓—机器学习势函数的试金石
此项研究通过大规模第一性原理计算建立了高精度氧化镓多相态体系第一性原理数据库(图1)。采用高斯过程回归机器学习算法对数据库进行训练拟合、产生同一代多个势函数版本并输出势函数测试结果。通过自主开发的自动测试 软件包对每一参数版本设置下势函数的精确性、普适性和计算效能进行系统测试,从而得出多次迭代后的优化势函数版本。最终公开发布的势函数兼具高精度,泛用性以及高计算效能等优势,可以有效模拟十万至百万原子级体系的氧化镓材料结构演化过程。
图 1. 此项研究中自主开发的第二代氧化镓机器学习数据库模型汇总示意图。
图 2.使用机器学习势函数研究固液相变中界面重结晶的分子动力学模拟。
Complex Ga2O3 polymorphs
explored by accurate and general-purpose machine-learning interatomic
Junlei Zhao, Jesper Byggmästar, Huan He, Kai Nordlund, Flyura Djurabekova & Mengyuan Hua
Ga2O3 is a wide-band gap semiconductor of emergent importance for applications in electronics and optoelectronics. However, vital information of the properties of complex coexisting Ga2O3 polymorphs and low-symmetry disordered structures is missing. We develop two types of machine-learning Gaussian approximation potentials (ML-GAPs) for Ga2O3 with high accuracy for β/κ/α/δ/γ polymorphs and generality for disordered stoichiometric structures. We release two versions of interatomic potentials in parallel, namely soapGAP and tabGAP, for high accuracy and exceeding speedup, respectively. Both potentials can reproduce the structural properties of all the five polymorphs in an exceptional agreement with ab initio results, meanwhile boost the computational efficiency with 5 × 102 and 2 × 105 computing speed increases compared to density functional theory, respectively. Moreover, the Ga2O3 liquid-solid phase transition proceeds in three different stages. This experimentally unrevealed complex dynamics can be understood in terms of distinctly different mobilities of O and Ga sublattices in the interfacial layer.