


Dr Amartya Sanyal


I will be starting as Assistant Professor in Machine Learning in the Department of Computer Science in University of Copenhagen from Summer, 2024 and will also be an Affiliated Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Till then, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Empirical Inference group in Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tubingen where I work closely with Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral fellow at ETH Zurich AI Center where I worked closely with Prof. Fanny Yang . I completed my DPhil (PhD) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, funded by the Turing Doctoral Studentship. I was also a member of the Torr Vision Group. My DPhil advisors were Varun Kanade and Philip H.S. Torr. I am also a member of the ELLIS Society. Prior to that, I completed my undergraduate (B.Tech in Computer Science) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. On various occassions, I have spent time at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), Twitter Cortex , Laboratory for Computational and Statistical Learning, Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms , and Amazon ML.


I am looking for highly motivated students, with a strong background in probability, statistics, linear algebra, and programming. Reach out to me if you are interested (and refer to this paragraph below in your email) in pursuing a PhD with me on topics in Theory and Foundations of Machine Learning, that you think will also be of interest to me. In your email, please describe your past work, an ideal project you would like to work on in your first year, and why it may be interesting to me.

Some topics I am personally interested in are

  • Trustworthy Machine Learning including differential privacy, robustness, certification, fairness etc. and

  • Learning with limited and imperfect data including unlabelled data, noisy data, and under distribution shift.

See below for specific funded positions starting in 2024. If you already have funding or are interested in co-supervision by me, please reach out to me by email.


Deadline: November, 2023

If you are interested in a fully funded PhD position with me to work on Trustworthy ML with a focus on differential privacy and/or robustness in machine learning, apply on this departmental page. Position starting next August or soon thereafter.

Deadline: November, 2023

I will be a hiring an ELLIS PhD student starting in September 2024. You can find more details on the ELLIS PhD link . You will be a part of UCPH Computer Science and we can discuss the choice of the co-supervisor depending on your interests.

Deadline: March, 2024

If you are interested in working on the topics mentioned above with me, you can apply to the Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA)


[email protected]



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