



鼻塞的痛,拿什么解? @Unsplash


This Tick Bite Makes You Allergic to Red Meat

Josh Fischman: Today, we're talking about decongestants. Scientists who advise the FDA recently concluded that phenylephrine, a common decongestant in cold medicines, doesn't work. We'll talk about what actually does.

[Clip: Show theme music]

Tanya Lewis: I don't know about you, Josh, but I have bad allergies and my sinuses are blocked pretty often. I've tried all sorts of things to help, from nasal sprays and decongestants to antihistamines to hot showers. Some of these things help, some of them don't.

Fischman: What helps you the most of all those things, Tanya?

Lewis: I find that the steroid nasal sprays work pretty well, but I don't like to use them all the time.

Fischman: How come?

Lewis: Um, I just find that sometimes I develop a tolerance to it so it stops having the same effect. Sometimes hot showers do help temporarily, but usually the congestion comes back.

Fischman: Yeah, and there's only so long you can stand under a hot shower, right?

Lewis: Right.

Fischman: I've tried those saline sprays up my nose. They kind of flush things out and I feel more comfortable. But I have to use them for a bunch of days before I feel any difference.

Lewis: Yeah, those saline ones are pretty good.

Fischman: Overall, I tend to go for decongestant tablets, which are supposed to reduce swelling inside my nose, opening up my airways.

Lewis: You're not alone in preferring tablets. One of the most popular decongestant ingredients is phenylephrine. It's found in drugs like Sudafed PE, Benadryl Allergy D Plus Sinus, and Vicks Dayquil Cold and Flu Relief.

But earlier this month, in a rare move, an FDA advisory panel declared that oral phenylephrine is completely useless at clearing up congestion.

Fischman: That really surprised me. I've been buying cold and flu medicines for years. And I always look to see if a decongestant like phenylephrine is in the capsule.

Lewis: I'd heard for a while that it wasn't that effective, but it's in a lot of cold medicines. In fact, it became popular because the standard over-the-counter decongestant, pseudoephedrine —the active ingredient in regular Sudafed—got locked up behind pharmacy counters.  That's because it can be used as an ingredient in making methamphetamine.

Fischman:  I remember that. In the mid-2000s, all these cold medicines were suddenly put behind plexiglass windows with padlocks on them. I had to...[full transcript]



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