


据FOX5 11月4日报道 TCS纽约市马拉松赛将于周日再次在纽约街头举行,整个城市的主要道路和桥梁将关闭。


比赛从斯塔顿岛(Staten Island)开始,在中央公园(Central Park)结束。


Staten Island

-Richmond Terrace between Jersey Street and Bay Street

-Wall Street (aka Richmond County Ballpark Driveway) between Richmond Terrace and Bank Street

-Jersey Street between Richmond Terrace and Victory Boulevard

-Victory Boulevard between Jersey Street and Bay Street

-Bay Street between Richmond Terrace and School Road

-Fingerboard Road between Bay Street and Tompkins Avenue

-Tompkins Avenue between Fingerboard Road and School Road

-School Road between Bay Street and Staten Island Expressway

-Lily Pond Avenue between Staten Island Expressway and Father Capodanno Boulevard

-McClean Avenue/Battery Road between Lily Pond Avenue and New York Avenue

-Hylan Boulevard between Bay Street and Olga Place

-Steuben Street between Olga Place and West Fingerboard Road

-West Fingerboard Road between Steuben Street and Hylan Boulevard

-Sand Lane between Hylan Boulevard and Father Capodanno Boulevard

-Father Capodanno Boulevard between Sand Lane and Lily Pond Avenue

-Verrazano Bridge


-Dahlgren Place between Verrazano Bridge and 92nd Street (Northbound)

-92nd Street between Dahlgren Place and 4th Avenue

-Brooklyn Queens Expressway (Southbound) between Verrazano Bridge and 79th Street

-Gatling Place/79th Street BQE Entrance Ramp between 83rd Street and 79th Street

-7th Avenue (Southbound) between 79th Street and 74th Street

-74th Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue

-6th Avenue between 74th Street and 75th Street/Bay Ridge Parkway

-75th Street/Bay Ridge Parkway between 7th Avenue and 4th Avenue

-Fort Hamilton Parkway between 92nd Street and

-94th Street94th Street between Fort Hamilton Parkway and 4th Avenue

-4th Avenue between 94thStreet and Flatbush Avenue

-Flatbush Avenue between 4th Avenue and Lafayette Avenue

-Lafayette Avenue between Flatbush Avenue and Bedford Avenue

-Bedford Avenue between Lafayette Avenue and Nassau Avenue

-Nassau Avenue between Bedford Avenue/Lorimer Street and Manhattan Avenue

-Manhattan Avenue between Nassau Avenue and Greenpoint Avenue

-Greenpoint Avenue between Manhattan Avenue and McGuinness Boulevard

-McGuinness Boulevard (Southbound) between Greenpoint Avenue and Pulaski Bridge

-Pulaski Bridge (Southbound)


-11th Street between Pulaski Bridge/Jackson Avenue and 48th Avenue

-48th Avenue between 11th Street and Vernon Boulevard

-Vernon Boulevard between 48th Avenue and 10th Street

-10th Street between Vernon Boulevard and 44th Drive

-44th Drive between 10th Street and Hunter Street

-Hunter Street between 44th Drive and Crescent Street

-Crescent Street between Hunter Street and Queens Plaza South

-Queens Plaza South between Crescent Street and 23rd Street

-Queens Plaza North between Crescent Street and 23rd Street

-23rd Street between Queens Plaza South and Queens Plaza North

-Queensboro Bridge (Eastbound)

-Queensboro Bridge Bicycle and Pedestrian Path


-Queensboro Bridge (Vehicle Entrance Ramp Eastbound)

-East 59th Street between 2nd Avenue and 1st Avenue

-East 60th Street between 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue

-1st Avenue between East 59th Street and Willis Avenue Bridge

-Madison Avenue Bridge (Westbound)

-142nd Street between Lenox Avenue/Malcom X Boulevard and 5th Avenue

-5th Avenue between 142nd Street and 124th Street

-Madison Avenue (FDR Service Road) between East 135th Street and East 142nd Street

-East 138th Street between Madison Avenue and 5th Avenue

-West 124th Street between 5th Avenue and Mount Morris Park West

-Mount Morris Park West between West 124th Street and West 120th Street

-West 120th Street between Mount Morris Park West and 5th Avenue

-5th Avenue between 120th Street and 90th Street

-90th Street between 5th Avenue and East Drive

-East Drive between 90th Street and Grand Army Plaza

-Grand Army Plaza between East Drive and West 59th Street

-West 59th Street between 5th Avenue and Columbus Circle/8th Avenue/Central Park West

-Columbus Circle between West 59th Street and Central Park Driveway

-Central Park Driveway/8th Avenue Approach to West Drive

-West Drive between 8th Avenue Approach and 85th Street Approach to West Drive

-Terrace Drive between West Drive and East Drive

-Center Drive between West Drive and East Drive

-West 85th Street Approach to West Drive

-West 81st Street Approach to West Drive

-West 77th Street Approach to West Drive

-West 67th Street Approach to West Drive


-Willis Avenue Bridge

-East 135th Street between Willis Avenue and Alexander Avenue

-Alexander Avenue between East 135th Street and East 138th Street

-East 138th Street between Alexander Avenue and 3rd Avenue

-3rd Avenue between East 138th Street and East 139th Street

-Morris Avenue between East 139th Street and East 140th Street

-East 140th Street between Morris Avenue and Rider Avenue

-Rider Avenue between East 140th Street and East 138th Street

-East 138th Street between Rider Avenue and Madison Avenue Bridge

Family Reunion

-Central Park West between Columbus Circle and West 76th Street

-West 61st Street between Central Park West and Broadway

-West 62nd Street between Central Park West and Broadway

-West 63rd Street between Central Park West and Broadway

-West 64th Street between Central Park West and Broadway

-West 65th Street between Central Park West and Broadway

-West 66th Street between Central Park West and Broadway

-West 67th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 68th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 69th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 70th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 71st Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 72nd Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 73rd Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-West 74th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue

-Columbus Avenue between West 74th Street and Broadway

-Broadway between West 66th Street and Columbus Circle







墨尔本一主要道路太“坑”了,接连25辆车爆胎!当局介入(视频)暴雨淹纽约,州长宣布紧急状态,地铁中断道路关闭航班延误/取消(附清单)【高洁赋跪求秋衫卷天记】诗小说(第二回) 秋老虎 三年前的花季 隔痛2023年两院院士增选结果公布!(附名单)勃朗峰徒步记(1)倒计时3天!BMO金融2024 New Grad岗位即将关闭(附面经)2023中国VR50强企业发布(附全名单)(附名单)143家,最新名单公布!9月30日报满截止!比亚迪,电通,富芯,瑞森,安世,誉锦鸿,基本半导体.......高温天气下如期举行,悉尼马拉松今日开赛!赛前海港大桥下的公共厕所排起长龙仿冒学术期刊诈骗钱财!中央网信办通报(附名单)纽约马拉松周日五万人开跑,五区这些道路封闭刚刚!美国公布最新Sponsor名单,留学生可直接拿工签(附名单)29个重大问题难题发布!(附名单)【点赞】上海市人民政府关于授予丁美珍等同志“上海市特级教师”称号的决定(附名单)A股涨幅王来了!低调牛股曝光(附名单)李志强:马拉松赛事野蛮生长,大连事件是坏事也是好事夏令时与纽约马拉松: 它会影响跑步者的健康吗?冬季风暴袭大温 23万户停电,高压电线倒塌道路关闭轮渡停航2023年纽约圣诞老人大会本周末举行,这是你需要知道的[[Coriolanus]] Ralph Fiennes/the classic Shakespearean tragedy悉尼马拉松周日开跑!海港大桥及CBD多条主干道关闭,司机注意绕行第52届纽约马拉松比赛结果公布,谁是获胜者?倒计时3天!RBC金融类2024 Intern岗位即将关闭(附OT面经)旧金山本周末举办枪支回购活动澳华人区发生严重车祸!小车撞上电线杆,4人紧急送医,道路关闭致交通延误【荷包牡丹】【Bleeding Heart】【交通】环崇明岛国际自盟女子公路世界巡回赛将举行,这些道路采取临时交通管制措施马拉松周日开跑!海港大桥及CBD多条主干道关闭,司机注意绕行费城马拉松封路/SEPTA通行指南; 76人开发商举行首次面对面社区会议; SEPTA交通警察也计划罢工狂风暴雨来袭!澳洲超2万民居断电!Mitchell Fwy积水!大树折断!道路关闭!今天,不宜出门!本周末多伦多湖滨马拉松赛 这几条道路将关闭!Coriolanus]] (star and director Ralph Fiennes米其林纽约指南又增两中餐厅(附11家新增名单)气温降至零下,纽约市或迎本季首场雪,州西北部暴风雪持续,交通瘫痪学校关闭(视频)倒计时4天!RBC金融2024 Full Time岗位即将关闭(附OT面经)