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Join Us | 哥大全球中心【媒体运营专员】开放申请,期待你的加入


关于哥大全球中心 | 北京

About Columbia Global Centers | Beijing

哥大全球中心 | 北京成立于2009年,是哥伦比亚大学在全球11个城市设立的区域枢纽之一。我们旨在发挥哥大卓越的学术研究能力,加强大学和中国的交流与合作,同时将中国的最新发展动态和人才带回到哥大的校园中,催生新的学习和研究。

我们是哥大全球(Columbia Global)的重要组成部分。哥大全球成立于2022年7月,汇集了哥大全球中心、哥大世界项目、哥大全球思想委员会、哥大思想与想象研究所等校级全球战略和举措,致力于增进知识、促进全球参与,共同应对复杂的全球挑战。

Columbia Global Centers | Beijing is part of a network of 11 global centers of Columbia University in the City of New York, one of the world's leading academic institutions. For over a decade, the Beijing Center has served as a regional hub in East Asia, creating spaces for dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange between Columbia and China's top academics and leaders, contributing to solutions for global challenges and fostering cross-cultural understanding.

We are part of Columbia Global, established in July 2022, which brings together major initiatives from across the university to advance knowledge and foster global engagement to address complex global challenges. As of July 2023, Columbia Global comprises the Columbia Global Centers, Columbia World Projects, the Committee on Global Thought, and the Institute for Ideas and Imagination.

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Communications Coordinator


Start ASAP Full-time

工作职责 Responsibilities

  • 负责哥大北京中心的宣传推广工作,能够独立完成中英文内容策划、文案撰写、视觉设计和排版、视音频剪辑、内容投放等工作,及时发布和维护中心微信公众号、视频号、微博、Instagram、领英、网站、newsletter等传播平台和渠道;

  • 推广哥大北京中心和哥伦比亚大学的项目活动,包括制作中英文宣传材料、邀请函、活动报名链接、宣传海报、回顾新闻等;

  • 负责哥大北京中心线下及线上项目活动的现场协调及组织,包括摄影摄像、直播运营、照片筛选编辑、视频剪辑、社交媒体发布等;

  • 维护哥大北京中心现有的媒体资源(报纸、电视、广播、互联网、社交媒体等),积极拓展、管理、优化更多媒体合作和渠道;

  • 对哥大北京中心的媒体运营数据进行监控、分析、整理成报告,同时制定优化措施。

  • Updating and managing the Beijing Center's WeChat account, WeChat Channels, Weibo, Instagram, LinkedIn, website, newsletter, and other channels. This includes content strategy and development, graphic design, video editing, digital placement, and other related tasks;

  • Creating promotional materials for Beijing Center and Columbia University programs and events in Chinese and English. This includes but not limited to pre-event announcements, invitation letters, registration links, posters, and news articles;

  • Managing media and live-streaming operations for all of the Beijing Center's in-person and online events;

  • Maintaining current media relations for the Beijing Center and exploring other media resources and partnership opportunities;

  • Monitoring and analyzing the Beijing Center's social media performance and developing a strategy for further improvement.

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能力要求 Qualifications

  • 相关领域学士及以上学历;

  • 较强的中英文写作和沟通能力,善于捕捉热点,结合时事能够独立策划并操作选题;

  • 较强的视频剪辑功底,熟悉视频平台的直播流程(微信视频号、抖音、Zoom等)或是短视频熟练用户,有一定的摄影摄像经验;

  • 较强的图片编辑、视觉设计和可视化能力,熟练使用秀米、Photoshop、Premiere/Final Cut、InDesign或Canva等工具者优先;

  • 具有团队精神、责任感及理解力,对任务优先级有清晰认知。

  • Bachelor's degree and above in relevant fields;

  • Excellent writing and communications skills in Chinese and English, high sensitivity to news events, and ability to develop news articles or short videos following social trends;

  • Practical experience in video editing, live streaming events, videography, and photography; experience with various platforms, such as WeChat Channels, Bilibili, Douyin, and YouTube;

  • Practical experience with graphic design, photo editing, and video editing; familiar with Xiumi, Photoshop, Premiere/Final Cut, InDesign, Canva, or other related tools;

  • Team spirit, sense of responsibility, and clear understanding of task priorities.

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工作地点 Location



Columbia Global Centers | Beijing

1F Core Plaza, 1 Shanyuan Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District,

如何申请 How to Apply

如有意申请该职位,请将您的中英文简历+求职信+文章/设计/视频/摄影作品集发送至[email protected],并在主题栏写明申请职位-姓名-毕业院校


To apply for this job, please send your Chinese and English resume, cover letter, and professional portfolio (including samples of your writing, photographs, design work, and video clips) to [email protected]. Please include your "Position-Name-School" in the subject line.

After reviewing applications, we will arrange interviews with competitive candidates.

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哥大全球中心 | 北京成立于2009年,是哥伦比亚大学在全球11个城市设立的区域枢纽之一。我们旨在发挥哥大卓越的学术研究能力,加强大学和中国的交流与合作,同时将中国的最新发展动态和人才带回到哥大的校园中,催生新的学习和研究。

我们是哥大全球(Columbia Global)的重要组成部分。哥大全球成立于2022年7月,汇集了哥大全球中心、哥大世界项目、哥大全球思想委员会、哥大思想与想象研究所等校级全球战略和举措,致力于增进知识、促进全球参与,共同应对复杂的全球挑战。




[email protected]





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