四大会计 | 德勤(US)2024 低年级项目开放申请!面向大二在校生

四大会计 | 德勤(US)2024 低年级项目开放申请!面向大二在校生


即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态



德勤(Deloitte)于1845年成立于英国伦 ,是全球领先的专业服务机构,世界四大会计师事务所之一。德勤成员机构网络已遍及全球超过150个国家和地区,拥有约457,000名专业人士,为客户提供包括审计及鉴证、管理咨询、风险咨询、财务咨询、税务与商务咨询等在内的全方位的专业服务 。

招聘要求 …

  • 放职位:Discovery Intern(Sophomore)Risk&Financial Advisory(Government & Public Services)-Summer 2024

  • 工作地点:Arlington,Virginia,United States

  • 截止时间:Ongoing

岗位职责 …

Throughout the course of the internship, interns are assigned to one or more client projects where they will receive mentorship and support to help their success on the engagement. Beyond exposure to “real life” projects, the internship also delivers a variety of national and local learning and networking events. In addition, throughout the internship there are ongoing learning events such a lunch and learns, industry/service line spotlights, and regularly scheduled training offerings designed to help our interns develop technical and client service skills. The interns will understand first-hand what a career with Deloitte is like and have the opportunity to build a cross-functional professional network. Additional social activities are planned throughout the internship period to provide opportunity to network with Deloitte professionals. Interns are expected to adapt to change, and demonstrate strong interpersonal and communication skills, creativity, and self-confidence. Interns must be team-oriented and able to work collaboratively.  Interns are expected to demonstrate leadership qualities and potential.

How you’ll grow

Each intern is assigned a mentorship team, including a counselor and onboarding advisor, to help offer guidance throughout the course of the internship. The counselor, typically a manager or senior manager, offers career guidance and feedback. The onboarding advisor is a peer level “buddy” to help answer questions and offer insight into how to make the most of the internship experience. Additional mentors, both formal and informal, will be identified during the internship. These mentor relationships can carry over into the future and offer a great way to stay connected to Deloitte while back at school. There will be formal goal-setting and evaluation process throughout the internship. Depending on performance and other factors, Discovery interns may have the opportunity to receive a subsequent internship opportunity at Deloitte. Discovery 1 interns may have the opportunity to continue in the Discovery program through the next summer. Discovery 2 interns have the opportunity to receive a client service internship offer at the conclusion of the Discovery Internship Experience.

任职要求 …

  • College Freshman or Sophomore with definitive plans to pursue a bachelor's degree in a business, accounting, economics, STEM or related field
  • Strong academic track record (minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8)
  • Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States without the need for employer sponsorship, now or at any time in the future (“Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory” means Deloitte & Touche LLP, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, or its affiliate, Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP)
  • Government & Public Services applicants must be able to obtain a U.S. Security Clearance
  • Strong academic track record (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2)

发送关键字  所在院校+德勤


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