要求中英流利, 新加坡航空

要求中英流利, 新加坡航空

Customer Services Agent (PVG Airport)

Job Scope

a.    As part of the Shanghai Pudong traffic team, this job forms the basis of smooth running of operations and customer services at airports.

b.    The role will include passenger handling, traffic operations and administrative functions.

c.    Primary level of supervision and liaison between the organisation and our service partners as well as first level of SQ staff to handle escalated passenger issues.

d.    Staff may also be given responsibility for one aspect of station operations, such as catering, baggage handling, administrative duties etc.

e.    Passenger Flight Handling

-       Pre-flight preparation for arrivals and departures. For arrivals, this includes attending to operational telexes and arranging for passenger assistance as needed. For departures, this includes container planning, calculation of EZFW, meal orders, pre-flight editing and so on.

-       To be present at check-in and boarding to ensure service standards are met. To also handle any passenger enquiries/ issues that arise.

-       Aircraft arrival duties including monitoring aircraft cleaning, catering, refuelling, ramp activities, and handling any issues that may arise. Ensure that safety and security bulletins and practices are complied with without fail.

-       Post flight administration including filing of flight records and telexes, preparation of shipspapers, following up with any baggage mishandled for flight and so on.

-       Proactively interact with customers in all areas of customer contact and ensure that passengers are being well taken of and special assistance are provided as appropriate.

-       Responsible for flight operation duties and working smoothly with service partner staff

-       Working closely with service partner staff in handling of irregular situations

f.     Administration

       i.  Maintain proper records and filing system on flights and daily operations

       ii. Handling of passenger queries, feedback, baggage claims that come from phone calls, emails, and reports lodged with Lost and Found.

       iii. Generating station reports and statistics to provide a picture of station performance on key indicators, which includes statistics on baggage handling, catering, uplift figures, audit reports and so on.

       iv. Verification of invoices relating to station operation

       v.  Able to carry out investigation relating to discrepancies, lapses and errors

Candidate Requirements

a.    Fluent in oral and written English and Chinese

b.    Knowledge of office applications e.g. Microsoft Word/Excel

c.    Able to interact with customers and have strong communication skills

d.    Hard working and a good team player

e.    Proactive in seeking solutions to resolve problems

f.     Disciplined and respectful of local guidelines and company directives

g.    Able to work in a high stress environment

h.    Able to work on roster shifts at the airport, being on call for emergencies or when necessary (e.g. flight delay, diversion, crisis)

i.      Previous experience in customer oriented jobs will be beneficial

群内留言「 PVG @小助理 」即可申请



1. 外语好, 寻找工作/实习/兼职的朋友

2. 关注自我提升&职业发展的朋友

3. 需要实践经验, 充实简历的同学


1. 每日优质工作机会推送

2. 结识各行业外语达人, 拓展人脉

3. 职业发展交流, 大厂/500强内推机会

加入外语职场 𝐕𝐈𝐏

更多机会, 更先掌握


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