Npj Comput. Mater.: 新材料预测—三元硼化物中的范霍夫奇点体系

Npj Comput. Mater.: 新材料预测—三元硼化物中的范霍夫奇点体系






Fig. 1 Crystal structure of (a-c) α-ATB4 and (d-f) β-ATB4.

来自厦门大学的孙阳副教授与美国爱荷华州立大学的Kai-Ming Ho, Vladimir Antropov和Kirill Kovnir教授,通过高通量晶体结构搜索,发现了一类在三元ATB4型硼化物中具有结构稳定性和范霍夫奇点的材料。


Fig. 2 Stability of non-RE ATB4 phases (spin-polarized calculations).



Fig. 3 The energy difference and magnetic moment for different magnetic states. a



Fig. 4  Experimental attempts to synthesize 114 phases.

该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 9:204(2023)英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Prediction of Van Hove singularity systems in ternary borides

Yang Sun, Zhen Zhang, Andrew P. Porter, Kirill Kovnir, Kai-Ming Ho & Vladimir Antropov

A computational search for stable structures among both α and β phases of ternary ATB4 borides (A = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Al, Ga, and Zn, T is 3d or 4d transition elements) has been performed. We found that α-ATB4 compounds with A = Mg, Ca, Al, and T = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Co form a family of structurally stable or almost stable materials. These systems are metallic in non-magnetic states and characterized by the formation of the localized molecular-like state of 3d transition metal atom dimers, which leads to the appearance of numerous Van Hove singularities in the electronic spectrum. The closeness of such singularities to the Fermi level can be easily tuned by electron doping. For the atoms in the middle of the 3d row (Cr, Mn, and Fe), these singularities led to magnetic instabilities and magnetic ground states with a weakly metallic or semiconducting nature. Such states appear as non-trivial coexistence of the different spin ladders formed by magnetic dimers of 3d elements. These magnetic states can be characterized as an analog of the spin glass state. Experimental attempts to produce MgFeB4 and associated challenges are discussed, and promising directions for further synthetic studies are formulated.


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