活动 | 4.26 对话哥大首位赴北大交换生:从曼哈顿到未名湖,留学中国如何改变了我的人生路?
感谢哥大本科中国学生会GCC Columbia对本次活动的支持。
Embark on a journey to the East without leaving the comfort of your home! Columbia Global Center Beijing cordially invites you to an inspiring virtual event designed to showcase the transformative experiences of Columbia members who have embraced China's academic and professional landscape. This event is your digital passageway to understanding the vast opportunities in one of the world's most dynamic countries, from cultural immersion to career development.
You'll hear powerful stories of personal growth, navigate the nuances of cross-cultural engagement, and learn about the resources Beijing Global Center offers to support your journey abroad.
Join us and let the experiences of those who have walked the path inform and excite your own academic and professional aspirations.
This event is co-sponsored by the Global China Connection - Columbia.
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Geoff Newman
1980年Geoff前往北京大学,成为该校首位来自哥伦比亚大学的交换生,此后便一直深耕在亚太地区。他于1985年创建了柯林斯宇航的香港办公室,负责中国和亚太地区的市场推广工作。1991年,他将业务扩展到日本,在东京设立了办公室,自那时起便在日本及周边地区工作。他曾负责Silicon Sensing的国际业务发展——该公司是柯林斯宇航和住友精密合资的传感器和惯性测量研发企业。
Geoff Newman has been active in Asia-Pacific since 1980, when he became Columbia University's first exchange student at Peking University. He established the Collins Aerospace (Hamilton Standard) business office in Hong Kong in 1985, marketing aerospace products in China and Asia Pacific. In 1991, he expanded to Japan, opening their business office in Tokyo, and has been working in Japan and the region since.
Most recently, he was working for Silicon Sensing, which is a Collins Aerospace (UK) joint venture with SPP (Sumitomo Precision Products) for sensors and inertial measurement.
A speaker of both Chinese and Japanese, he has experience working and living in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, India, and the Middle East.
Geoff has a bachelor's degree in international relations and a master's in Chinese sociology, both from Columbia University. He has attended several strategic leadership and professional development programs at Oxford University and Wharton. He currently resides in New England with his family.
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Lening Liu was born and raised in Xi'an, China. In 1977, right after the Cultural Revolution, he entered college as part of an extremely select group of students to finally end years of disruption of higher learning in China. He came to the United States in 1990 and studied linguistics at the University of Florida. He joined Columbia's faculty in 1995 and received his Ph.D. in 1996. He has published a number of articles on the evolution of Chinese conjunctive adverbs, the rhetorical structures of Chinese, the history and innovation of Chinese pedagogy, etc.
Courses he has taught include Introduction to Classical Chinese, Readings in Classical Chinese, History of Chinese Language, Educational Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language Pedagogy, and all levels of Modern Chinese. Currently, Liu is a professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and the co-director of the Certificate Program for Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. He directed the Chinese Language Program for over 20 years.
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Koen Smeets
史凯恩来自荷兰,是美中学术关系领域的学者和实践者。作为一名燕京学者,他带领着一个由20多名学生组成的团队,通过播客《China Hands》保存下美中关系的口述历史,记录了这一关系的重建及当代状况。基于这些访谈,他目前正在撰写一本书,计划在太平洋两岸以英文和中文出版。
Koen Smeets is a scholar-practitioner of US-China academic relations. As a Yenching Scholar at Peking University, he leads a team of over 20 students preserving an oral history of the re-establishment and contemporary state of US-China through the China Hands podcast. Based on these interviews, he is currently finishing a book which he aims to publish in English and Mandarin on both sides of the Pacific. Throughout his work focused on each continent, Koen was an organiser, mentor, and speaker in the MIT ecosystem, interviewed over 60 world leaders on US-China relations and technology, and was a Young Ambassador at Carnegie China. Koen is from the Netherlands.
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9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Time & Location
Friday, April 26, 2024 (Beijing)
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, April 25, 2024 (New York)
9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
This event will be available online via Zoom and the Beijing Center's WeChat Channels.
Please click read more on the bottom left of this article to register.
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Event Language: English
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