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扎吉哈先生:主席,我想回答安迪先生刚才提出的第二个问题。多年来,我们很幸运地得到了企业的支持,因为社会发展理事会(Mendaki)一直专注于教育工作。尤其是奖学金和助学金,因为这是我们工作中最重要的一部分。我们曾与新加坡航空公司、新加坡政府投资公司、美光科技 、MiRXES等企业合作。









沙礼尔先生:我想感谢部长、高级部长助理和高级国会议员拉哈尤玛赞女士 对问题的澄清。接下来我想用马来语问一些澄清问题。










Mr Zaqy Mohamad: Chairman, I will take the second question Member Saktiandi asked earlier. We are quite fortunate that we had corporates who have come forward to support us over the years, given MENDAKI's focus, especially on education. Particularly starting with scholarships and bursaries because that is, I think; while I would say lowest hanging fruit, but I think it is quite core to much of the work that we do. So, we have had SIA over the years; we have had GIC; Micron; MiRXES and others, who have come forward and given us.

But it is really about also the community coming forward because it is not just about scholarships and bursaries, but if you look at the contribution that I have shared in my speech, such as Micron providing opportunities, or internship opportunities, for many of our young students who have perhaps never seen the insides of a semiconductor and would never have considered careers in that space. These are good examples.

Sharael has shared how some of the youths were taken to Rolls Royce and others, so that they can look into growth industries and some also visited the Airshow recently to have a look at some of the defence technologies that are available.

So, we are using various platforms and opportunities to open minds, open conversations with many of our youths who may come from low-income families especially, who may not have had the exposures, but now given the chance to be exposed, to have internship opportunities, to be mentored.

As I shared, MSD Pharma, for example, with their data scientists, AI specialists, cyber security specialists to give them opportunities and mix around with professionals who they may never have met through regular channels.

I think this is one way in which we want to build social capital. So yes, we have started with certain corporates but I would not underestimate the impact and effect. We hope that more will come forward, especially through the professional network. We started this last year, as I shared. We have about 450 professionals already onboard, many deployed to mentor. Rahayu has shared about 1,000 on her network too, with our youths. We hope that this brings about building up social capital within the Malay/Muslim community.

We want to encourage more to contribute back in small ways. It does not have to be big corporates. We have businessmen too. We have members from the Indian-Muslim community as well, who came forward to set up funds because some Indian-Muslims did not qualify for TTFS, for example. But there are efforts on the ground that came ground-up because they want to do something for the community, including those who have qualified for certain schemes.

So, we are providing a wide range of opportunities but I think it is more than just scholarships and bursaries; but providing opportunities, providing social capital, providing mentorship. I think that will make a difference.

The Chairman: Mr Sharael Taha.

Mr Sharael Taha: I would like to thank the Minister and Senior Minister of State and Senior Parliamentary Secretary Rahayu for the clarifications. Just some clarifications in Malay, Mr Chairman.

(In Malay): My thanks to Senior Minister of State Zaqy for sharing that the MTS has been expanded further to include subjects, like Additional Maths, as well as Biology.

May I suggest to the Senior Minister of State that we encourage Secondary Three and Four students to participate in programmes, like Learning Journeys, so that they can be acquainted with the kind of jobs and skills that are required in the growth industries?

My second question - can we also provide specific programmes to encourage learning of skills in subjects – like AI and cybersecurity, so that our students and workers will have the best chance to work in the growth industries?

Mr Zaqy Mohamad(In Malay): I thank Mr Sharael for the good question. If we look at our MTS program, we do have a fairly packed curriculum, where we see our children spending three to four hours each week in our MTS centres. In these sessions, as we can see from the curriculum, they are required to take two subjects today. Some of them attend virtual classes after their in-person sessions. So, we also need to give priority to their schooling and their tuition sessions.

However, I also recognise that among the programmes that we want them to attend, as I have mentioned to Mr Saktiandi, we also want them to be given the opportunity to have internships, join learning journeys, and at times, during the Raikan Ilmu month for example, we give them the flexibility to enjoy learning journey opportunities outside, as what has been done under FA3 with Mr Sharael. 

We want our youths to be given the opportunity to be mentored as well. Here, some of them are given the opportunity under the #amPowered programme, as well as the mentoring programme under Ms Rahayu within FA3, to share experiences with our professionals.

We aim to provide these opportunities beyond our MTS youths, by extending this network to other youths in our M3 towns. We hope to use all the resources in our M3 towns, so that we can reach out to more youths who can benefit from the programmes.

I hope Mr Sharael will continue to give his support, and this goes for other Members here too, so that we can provide better opportunities for our students.














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