楼主 (北美华人网)
但是tax bracket还是跟五年前一样
很多拿到stimulus check欢欣鼓舞的 工会费劲儿谈判罢工换来得的25% 工资涨幅 发现买东西吃饭买房子租房子 还是实实在在更吃力了吧
但是tax bracket还是跟五年前一样
很多拿到stimulus check欢欣鼓舞的 工会费劲儿谈判罢工换来得的25% 工资涨幅 发现买东西吃饭买房子租房子 还是实实在在更吃力了吧
linne 发表于 2024-05-01 03:45
幫你貼一個有說SD 房價是主要城市裏面增長最快的新聞,我昨天在 Barron‘s 看到的,沒有訂閲這個報紙的人可能看不到。
“Enthusiasm for potential Fed cuts and lower mortgage rates appears to have supported buyer behavior, driving the 10- and 20- City Composites to new highs,” said Brian D. Luke, S&P Dow Jones Indices’ head of commodities, real & digital assets, said in a statement. Of the 20 cities tracked by the index, prices rose most in San Diego, Chicago, and Detroit, gaining between 8.9% and 11.4%. Price gains were the weakest in Portland, Ore., Denver, and Dallas, where they rose between 2.2% and 3.5%.
pollst 发表于 2024-05-01 15:52
哈哈 我已经懒得贴了 现在sd房价涨最快不是新闻 啥时候不是第一名才是新闻