老非移心里一定想不通。我们纳税人也想不通。 难道是新非移老印老墨占大多数,是她的自己人?
奥利奥饼干 发表于 2024-08-26 09:06
既然提到了National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact, 我就去查了一下,NationalAcademies最近一次发布这个immigrant impact是在2017年,这个报告其实是包括了所有的immigrant,包括我们:
Economic effects: There are many important benefits of immigration, including on economic growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with little to no negative effects on the overall wages or employment of native born workers in the longer term. Where negative wage impacts have been detected, nativeborn high-school dropouts and prior immigrants are most likely to be affected.
• Fiscal effects: The fiscal picture suggests negative short-run effects, especially at the state level, when the costs of educating the children of immigrants are included; but the children of immigrants (the second generation) go on to be the most positive fiscal contributors in the population. In the longer term (75 year time horizon), fiscal impact of immigrants are positive at the federal level, though still negative at the state level (顺便说一句,这个报告的全文是643页)就在上面的链接可以免费下载,我大致关键词搜了一下,没有查到相关信息,有空在慢慢看,也欢迎大家帮我查找这个数字的来源) 我猜想这个右翼报告的结论的根据是negative short-run effects?