14岁枪手的母亲是master degree 但是吸毒,盗窃,父亲家暴
楼主 (北美华人网)
看了这个校园枪击案shooter的家庭背景挺唏嘘的 枪手的母亲Gray attended Georgia Southern University, graduating in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Management. She proceeded to the Kennesaw State University – Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering. Marcee graduated Columbia Southern University in 2008, receiving a Master of Science in Occupational Safety and Health. She held numerous prestigious positions including as a Quality Engineering Supervisor at Toyota Industries, North America and Quality Manager at Olympic Steel in Winder, Georgia. Her final roles listed on her LinkedIn profile reveal she worked as a Quality Assurance Manager at Georgia Pacific LLC from March 2020 to January 2021 and then as a Senior Quality Engineer at PCC Airfoils from January to September 2021. Her work experience abruptly stops at that point. 上的都是很一般很一般的大学,但是至少还读到了master,不能说well educated, 但肯定不是高中毕业在社会底层混的。还有几个manager的title,不知道工资水平,应该above average了 这个孩子的爹看起来就是个渣,14年的婚姻,母亲一直生活在家暴里,但是又非常圣母的不离婚,说只有自己能拯救丈夫。 2023年的时候,枪手的母亲因为吸毒盗窃被捕。她的姐姐在社交媒体上控诉她住在父母家里,一直在偷家里的东西,还把她母亲绑在椅子上,要杀她丈夫杀nephew还要自杀什么的,感觉精神也不正常。她姐姐说是因为她吸毒毁了这个家庭,但是不知道是不是因为长期被家暴才开始吸毒的。 反正生活在这样的家庭,孩子走上邪路也并不奇怪了。
看了这个校园枪击案shooter的家庭背景挺唏嘘的 枪手的母亲Gray attended Georgia Southern University, graduating in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Management. She proceeded to the Kennesaw State University – Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering. Marcee graduated Columbia Southern University in 2008, receiving a Master of Science in Occupational Safety and Health. She held numerous prestigious positions including as a Quality Engineering Supervisor at Toyota Industries, North America and Quality Manager at Olympic Steel in Winder, Georgia. Her final roles listed on her LinkedIn profile reveal she worked as a Quality Assurance Manager at Georgia Pacific LLC from March 2020 to January 2021 and then as a Senior Quality Engineer at PCC Airfoils from January to September 2021. Her work experience abruptly stops at that point. 上的都是很一般很一般的大学,但是至少还读到了master,不能说well educated, 但肯定不是高中毕业在社会底层混的。还有几个manager的title,不知道工资水平,应该above average了 这个孩子的爹看起来就是个渣,14年的婚姻,母亲一直生活在家暴里,但是又非常圣母的不离婚,说只有自己能拯救丈夫。 2023年的时候,枪手的母亲因为吸毒盗窃被捕。她的姐姐在社交媒体上控诉她住在父母家里,一直在偷家里的东西,还把她母亲绑在椅子上,要杀她丈夫杀nephew还要自杀什么的,感觉精神也不正常。她姐姐说是因为她吸毒毁了这个家庭,但是不知道是不是因为长期被家暴才开始吸毒的。 反正生活在这样的家庭,孩子走上邪路也并不奇怪了。