tbill interest income 交税问题
楼主 (北美华人网)
大家知道不知道interest income会report成哪一年的收入,是依据发行日期还是maturity date?
MiniCorset 发表于 2024-09-20 19:44
所有的bills, notes and bonds 都是按照pay date的时间交税。除了0 coupon bond
wisdomlover 发表于 2024-09-20 19:56
我可能开始理解错了你的原意。我开始以为你说的pay date 是我们买TBILL付钱的那天。 你说的PAY date 就是maturity date, right?
wisdomlover 发表于 2024-09-20 19:47
回复 2楼 MiniCorset 的帖子
所以AI overview is correct, right? The interest income from Treasury bills (T-bills) is tax-reportable in the year the bill matures. This is not necessarily the year the bill was purchased. For example, if a 26-week bill is bought in October 2004 and matures in April 2005, the interest is reported as earned in 2005.
dami123 发表于 2024-09-20 20:00
回复 1楼 wisdomlover 的帖子
1099上有,持有到期就是maturity date, 到期前在二级市场卖掉就按卖的日期