How to Get Rid of Floaters in the Eyes

How to Get Rid of Floaters in the Eyes


Eye Floaters? You CAN get rid of them.



How to Get Rid of Floaters in the Eyes

People often ask me if there is anything they can do about floaters.  Many times they have been told there is no hope for this condition.  This is not true.  I once had so many floaters that on a sunny day the various shapes floating by reminded me of a star-studded night.  I have totally cured myself. Here’s what you can do to improve your eye health:

Eating foods and drinking juices rich in antioxidants is a good home remedy for floaters. Foods rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and E are the best sources of antioxidants. Juice carrots, dark leafy greens, lemon, all other brightly colored vegetables.

Taurine (an amino acid)
Taurine, an essential amino acid, is a natural cure for floaters as it maintains the function of the retina. Since this nutrient is not synthesized by the human body, taurine must be obtained from food sources or supplements. Taurine is found in most muscle meat.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
Hemp oil is believed to be one of the best home remedies for floaters. It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, which have protective properties against retinal diseases.  Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in fish, fish oil, walnuts and wheat germ.

Serrapeptase Enzyme
Serrapeptase enzyme is an effective natural cure for eye floaters. It digests the debris, blood clots and dead tissues that cause the floaters.


Same here so I used: 1 tablespoon daily of flax oil (buy it in a glass bottle in health food stores or even some grocery stores),
a handful of spinach & also kale daily. A few dried cranberries daily. This all drastically reduced floaters. (The floaters dissolve in the flax oil because oil breaks them down. I found the larger floater becamea ‘mist’ of what looked like dots & was then gone. All I endured was cloudier vision in the one eye for 1 day as the floaters de-constructed themselves, dissolved smaller and smaller.) Good luck to you. ps: Also drink enough water daily, very important. *The spinach, kale, cranberry idea all came from an eye-health book I read at the optomotrists; can’t remember name of title.)

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