当地时间周四下午抵达Bogotá,机场取钱,一美元换四千比索。打车前往GHL Hotel Tequendama Bogotá(包早餐,有机场shuttle,VIP spa service,free cancellation)。
周五去玻利瓦尔广场,参观大教堂, 乘缆车上Monserrat山顶。还有著名的黄金博物馆, Paloquemao market (close at 4:30PM)。
周六上午去Botanic Garden;下午乘5:05PM的Avianca航班AV9843(BOG to AXM)去Salento,入住airbnb民宿(calle 7 numero 4)。Salento相对来说最安全。
周日去Cocora Valley,有世界上最高的棕榈树。
周一参加咖啡团,Ocaso coffee tour,了解种植、采摘、去皮、晒干、烘焙、酿制过程。哥伦比亚咖啡产量世界第三,Salento种植区主要还是靠人工采摘。
周二早晨赶往Pereira机场,LATAM航班4285(PEI to MDE)前往Medellin(麦德金),入住Loyds Hotel,位于较安全的El Poblado区。
麦德金市区半日游city tour(网上预定2:30PM)。哥伦比亚第二大城市,曾经是毒枭黑帮的老巢,Escobar令人闻风丧胆。如今游客众多,仍须小心谨慎。
周三去Guatape, 从巨大岩石(Piedra del Peñól,七百级台阶)俯瞰千岛湖。Guatape小镇色彩鲜艳。The bus company is called “Sotrasanvicente & Guatape La Piedra”。 Tell the bus driver to stop at Peñól de Guatapé。约两小时车程。
周四下午乘Avianca航班9493到达加勒比海港口城市Cartagena, 约一个小时。入住airbnb Murano Elite。虽然离波哥大仅一个小时飞程,气候迥异,海水温暖宜人。
周六乘船去Playa Blanca。
周日飞回波哥大,Avianca航班9541 (8:51AM起飞, 10:19AM到达)。仍住在GHL Hotel Tequendama Bogotá。距离机场三十分钟车程。
周三飞回加州,BOG to SFO via JetBlue,需在Fort Lauderdale转机。红眼航班1958抵达FLL天已亮,换乘航班577飞旧金山机场,下午两点到家。带回来好多咖啡。
More details of the trip plan
Fruit: lulo, sapote, pitaya, granadia , mamoncillo
Guarapo – fresh-squeezed cane juice
Fermented rice drink
Aguardiente, which means “fiery water”, is Colombia's popular traditional tipple. It's an anise-flavored drink, made from sugarcane
Subway ticket covers cable car to top hill. Line A towards Niquia station connects to Line K at Acevedo station. At the end station Santo Domingo, take line L, which is the cable car.
Realcitytours.com for city tour 3.5 hours. Need to reserve online. Start from ALPUJARR Station, two stops from Pablado station. 9:30am or 2:30pm
Buses from Medellin to Guatape depart every half hour from 05:00 to 18:00. The bus terminal can be reached from Medellin city center by metro line A. The closest station, right in front of the bus terminal, is Caribe. You can buy tickets at the bus station for 15,000 COP ($3.75). When travelling back from Guatape to Medellin, you have to go to the main bus terminal in Guatape.