


自从莲溪的系列文章《美国数学百年战争》通过本虾的公众号发布后,引起大家的热烈讨论。现在好消息来了:战争亲历者、著名专家Ze'ev Wurman将于5月22号下周一晚上在宇宙中心(Palo Alto)举办数学-科学死亡行军的免费英文讲座,感兴趣的请踊跃报名参加。
地点:Palo Alto索菲亚大学

1069 East Meadow Circle

Palo Alto, CA 94303

主题:为什么美国K-12年级教育是“数学-科学死亡行军"&我们如何应对?(Why Is U.S. K-12 Education A "Math-Science Death March”And What Can We Do?) 
主讲人:Ze'ev Wurman
在1995-2007期间参与了加州数学标准的制定和实施,是九十年代加州惊心动魄的数学战争的亲历者,2007-09期间担任教育部高级顾问,2009-10期间参与了Common Core的评估,是加州等几个州教委的教育顾问。
Math Talk: Why Is U.S. K-12 Education A "Math-Science Death March”and What Can We Do?
Monday, May 22, 2017
7:30 pm  - 9:30 pm
1069 E. Meadow Circle
Palo Alto, CA
Price:  Free  Free.

Our teachers are loving, caring, and hard-working. American kids are no less smart or less diligent than kids of any other nations. However, the prevailing "mile-wide inch-deep"math curricula, resulting from the ideology of Rousseau, Dewey, Kilpatrick, Terman, Cubberley and others, have made math a daunting subject for many kids and contributed to stress for high school students, to the distress of academic mathematicians who have long been endeavoring to correct the falsities. 



Generations of American students have lagged behind the high-achieving countries in math and science. This systematic failure has been caused by systematic reasons --- textbook, pedagogy and standards have jointly turned math into a daunting subject for American kids. The mediocre K-8 education has made high school life stressful for many students. Ze’ev Wurman will tell you the behind-scene story…

“Simple concepts are made artificially intricate and complex with the pretense of being deeper—while the actual content taught was primitive.” “The Common Core fails any comparison with the standards of high-achieving countries, just as they fail compared to the old California standards. They are lower in the total scope of learned material, in the depth and rigor of the treatment of mathematical subjects, and in the delayed and often inconsistent and incoherent introductions of mathematical concepts and skills.”


--   Marina Ratner, professor emeritus of mathematics, UC Berkeley


“It's almost a joke to think common core students will be ready for university math, it will put our students two grades behind other countries.”

--   James Milgram, professor emeritus of mathematics, Stanford University


“The cruelest irony of the common core mathematics is in the huge negative impact it is bound to have on the achievement of minority and disadvantaged students.”

--   Ze’ev Wurman, former senior adviser, U.S. Department of Education

Wurman's talk will help us re-think our approach to learning math and hopefully make our kids' lives easier and healthier -- a good mastery of math will reduce the overall academic stress and leave more time and energy for other activities such as sports, art, and music.


Ze'ev Wurman was a senior adviser to Department of Education. He participated in developing California’s education standards and STAR assessments between 1995 and 2007. In 2009-2010 he analyzed the Common Core math drafts for the Pioneer Institute and for the State of California and served on the California Academic Content Standards Commission. Wurman has professionally evaluated Common Core State Standards and other state and national standards, and published multiple professional and opinion articles in national media.

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