感恩节游西雅图俄勒冈之流水账 (w English)

感恩节游西雅图俄勒冈之流水账 (w English)

Day 1-- 11/28/2019
感恩节那天听说南加大雨倾盆,而西雅图却是一个大晴天。女儿带着我们来到一个国家级的历史景点地标--华盛顿湖Chittenden Locks,这是太平洋海岸最早建立的闸栏,也是唯一一个能容纳出海船只之地。在这里,湖海相连, 湖水海水相汇,一道道阶梯状的闸栏由低往高处延伸,不同的落差,不同的水流,调节着湖水海水的高度,也为三文鱼的洄流提供了安全的产卵、繁殖场所。我们站在寒风中,看着从大坝流出的湖水,汇入大海,又看着船只随着湖面与海面的渐渐接近水平,然后扬帆启航,奔向大海。
随后,女儿带我们来到Kerry Park。在那里,西雅图整座城市的风光尽收眼底,只见地标式建筑太空针清晰地耸立在一座座高楼间,俯瞰着不远处波光粼粼的太平洋海面。我们走着,看着,聊着,比较着加州的黄金海岸。虽说它们都属太平洋海岸,加州海岸因着阳光而明媚,这里的海岸却因着海那边的山峦多了一分宁静和秀丽。
Day 2---11/29/2019
抵达波特兰后,我们直奔第一个目的地Pittock Mansion。这个号称波特兰最精致,最有影响力的历史豪宅博物馆坐落在山顶上,因为圆形建筑,每个方位都有很好的窗景,可以鸟瞰波特兰整个城市的风光。我们买了门票($13, 有点不值),走进了摆着各种各样圣诞装饰的三层豪宅。当得知这个豪宅最先的居住者Pittock先生是俄勒冈报业大亨后,不仅联想起矗立在加州太平洋沿岸的Hearst Castle, 虽然同为报业大亨,同是历史性建筑,然而,Pittock Mansion和Hearst Castle是根本无法同日而语的,其富庻程度、其豪华和气势都不是一个级别的,好比一个乡下财主和上海滩大亨那般的小巫见大巫。
下山后,我们开车前往波特兰的华盛顿公园,在渐渐泛黑的暮色中走访了全球玫瑰测试花园,欣赏了绽放在冬日里的娇艳玫瑰,单瓣的,多瓣的,粉的,红的,淡黄的,应有尽有,品种之多之全让我们颇为欣喜。天色很快黑了下来,我们离开了公园,前往宾馆小憩片刻后,去城区吃饭逛街。节日的mall里火树银花,我们走进了一个号称是世界最大的独立书店, 一个据说拥有新书、旧书、绝版书的书店。徜徉在这样的书店,一个曾宣称自己一辈子要读的书都已在大学读完、来美后从此不给自己买书,也不看书的某人竟一头扎进了李小龙的陈列书架上,欲求李小龙英文版的自传书,为他家中的中文版同名书匹对,还不厌其烦的让书店管理员去库存里寻找一本显示在目录上的书,最后还是没有找到,只好买了另一本李小龙功夫介绍的书离去。
Day  3-- 11/30/2019
那日,我们起了个大早,吃过早饭后直奔俄勒冈著名的哥伦比亚河山峡。我们先到了一个名叫"新娘面纱"的瀑布,随后又前往Multnomah瀑布。此瀑布在世界上排列第三,位于委内瑞拉天使瀑布和美国优胜美地瀑布之后。M瀑布中间建有一座横跨的石桥,将瀑布分为上下两截。 我们迎着凛冽的山风,脚踩着结冰的山路,欣赏着一帘雪白的瀑布从高处一泻而下,细细的白纱被风吹起,飘逸地拍打着已经结成雪白冰花的岩壁上,潭面的四周也结着厚厚的冰,围着流动的瀑布形成了一个大圆圈。
中午时分,我们驱车前往著名的Mt. Hood。冬日的山峦银装素裹,青青的松柏树上压着厚厚的白雪,道路两旁的积雪被扫雪机切割成了矮矮的雪墙,偶尔可见冰柱挂在路边的房顶上。我们没有带雪链,租的车也不是全驱动,所以尽管十分向往深处的雪景和风光,却不敢逗留太久,匆匆几张照片和一些录像后便离开大山,奔向另一个目的地。
山道弯弯,近三个小时的车程,把我们带到了海边,一个名为Twin Rocks的地方。只见靠近沙滩的海面上,耸立着两块巨大的礁石。据说,这礁石在此屹立了上百万年,被风蚀浪琢变成了今天这个模样,它们像一对大象一前一后,又像一对恋人拉着手不离不弃。这时,四点钟的海面正迎来日落,银灰色天空下,一抹绚丽的晚霞如一根彩带漂浮在海的上空, 点缀着渐渐幽暗的海面。
Day 4--12/01/2019
12月的第一天,西雅图的天空开始飘起了雨。 我们睡了个懒觉,起床后,女儿干了点工作上的活,全家吃过午饭后,去了IKEA, Costco和99大华, 给女儿的粮仓居所做最后的补给。晚上回到家,某人忙着组装新家具,而我则在厨房忙着做饭,洗洗刷刷。像天下所有的父母一样,总想着走之前再为她做些力所能及的事。
Day 5--12/02/2019
两人在google导航下走了一段海景山路。 离飞机起飞的时间还早,我俩坐在面向大海的车里,看着眼前平静开阔的海面和峭壁下郁郁葱葱的树林,想象着诗句里"春暖花开,面向大海"的意境,随后开车在附近的公园转了一圈,在纪念印第安人的博物馆里里稍作逗留,便动身去机场。不料西雅图的市中心严重塞车,一英里多的路程开了40多分钟,让原本绰绰有余的赴机变得心急火燎,就此也理解了女儿为什么选择不买车。

Like the previous three trips to Seattle, it was nighttime when we landed. The city welcomes us with its serene beautiful skyline, the colorful neon lights lit up the dark sky. The freeway we took after getting out of airport is No. 5, an interstate highway that runs across from CA to WA, the same highway we frequent in CA. However connected, the same freeway in Seattle is 1000 miles away, 20 hours’ drive from our California home, a distance not easily to be transcended.


My daughter was in her red new sweater when she met us at the gate. It’s chilly. I wrapped her with the coat in my hand, hugged her and hurried inside. She prepared crisp roasted turkey and carrot for us.  They were delicious, and my husband complimented her in a flattery way that she is a better cook than me. Sure, that’s mom’s wishes too.

In the next few days my daughter showed us around a few new places in Seattle, and we went as far as to Oregon this time, a neighboring state bordered by Columbia river. Our five days’ trip can be briefed as follows:

Day1: Seattle, WA

a. Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, a national historic landmark, “the first lock facility constructed and remains the only one capable of handling Ocean-going vessel. At the time, these were the only locks in the country accommodating tidal fluctuations and separating fresh and salt water”.

b. Kerry Park. It provides a perfect viewpoint of overlooking downtown Seattle. From there, we relish the towering iconic Space Needle thrusting out of the surrounding skyscrapers.

c. Bruce Lee’s cemetery. Being a fan of Bruce Lee, my husband finally had a chance to pay respect to him. It turned out that the day before his visit is Bruce Lee’s birthday. Flowers were displayed in front of the tombs (his and his son’s) to honor a dragon that was buried here, a legendary Kongfu master whom people still remember today after his death for almost half a century.

Day 2: Portland, Oregon

a.    Pittock Mansion: A historic House Museum situated at the mountain area was originally resided and owned by a business tycoon, a British born journalist. However magnificent the location and window views are, the mansion is in no way comparable to Hearst castle.

b.    Washington Park: Strolling along the canopied forest, we found International Rose Test Garden a gem, where myriads of different roses are nurtured, a few of them still blooming in the cold winter.

c.    Powell bookstore: The world’s largest independent bookstore, where new, used, rare or out-of-print books are sold. My husband, who claims to have finished all his life-long reading at college, asked a store assistant to locate a Bruce Lee’s English version biography book, but to no avail. He ended up buying a book of Lee’s kongfu.

Day 3: Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

a.    Columbia River Gorge: Our trip is highlighted by the visit to the Multnomah Fall. Tucked away in the depth of Columbia river gorge, the Multnomah Fall is ranked the 3rd place in the world, right after Yosemite’s fall. After stopping by a gorgeous waterfall called Bridal’s Veil in the pristine cold morning, we braced to Multnomah Fall. The view is stunningly beautiful, unique in the freezing winter, when water drops spilled from the falls were frozen to white snowy ice hanging on the cliffs. I slipped and would have fallen to the icy ground, had it not been propped up by a kind visitor in the back.

b.    Mt. Hood: Our drive to Mt. Hood was later hindered by the snowy road condition. But a brief drive-thru at the lower elevation gave us a glimpse of the winter mountain, where inches tall snow carpeted the surface, and coated heavily over the tree branches. The fresh snow, glistening under the sun like shining stars, helped create a dreamy white wonderland.

c.    Twin Rocks beach: A- three-hour drive through meandering mountainous road took us from the mountain to the sea. Coming from southern CA, we are never short of beaches. But a look at Twin Rocks beach still excited us. Two elephant-shaped rocks standing side by side are said to be chiseled by the wind and wave over million years, a testimony of nature power.

d.    Tillamook creamery: In the twilight on our way back, we visited Tillamook creamery, the 48th largest diary processor in North America. Through the window, we toured the facilities and watched the cheese being sealed into a 42 pounds’ package. Before we set out again, we had dinner there, treating ourselves to their freshly made ice creams as a desert.


Oregon is known as a state without sales tax. To complete our trip, my daughter and I rushed to a big mall before it closed, and she bought herself a new iPhone, making this trip more worthwhile and memorable.

We reached home a little after 12.

Day 4: 12/01/2019

It was drizzling on the first morning of December. We had a lazy relaxed morning, before she had to get up and work on her project for about two hours.  Then we hit the road again around 2 pm, shopping at Ikea, Costco and 99 Ranch, to replenish her daily supplies.

Day 5: 12/02/2019

It’s Monday, and my daughter has to go to work, as an important project is due in a week. After sending her off to work, we cleaned up her apartment, finished the laundry and packed for our leave. It was about 1:30 when we drove by her office and dropped off the key. I hugged her and waved good-bye as she went back to the glass window building. Our flight is 6:55 pm. With five hours to go, we leisurely toured the city with Google’s GPS. When we left for airport at 4:20, we never expected the traffic in downtown Seattle to be so horrible, worse even than LA. One-mile long drive took more than 40 minutes, slower than if we walk on foot. What we thought to have ample time for the flight ended up with a hasty rush.

It is always nice to be back home, a sweet home.


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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏