Cold Santa Ana Winds

Cold Santa Ana Winds

Woke up in a warm quilt at 7 am and heard the gust howling outside. The air was cold, and I tucked myself tighter. Nothing to rush for now, I told myself. Looking at the window where the sunlight was flickering behind the curtains, I saw the shadows of trees swaying from side to side. Thank goodness, it was Friday.
Last night I had a good sleep, and the night before too. Yes, finally the sleep pattern comes back to normal, thanks to the suggestions and ideas from you all, my friends. The bad cycle started to be disrupted during Thanksgiving (I guess I was tired out from the shopping and cooking, plus a relaxed mood), and hopefully it will be gone for good. 
I headed out to work around 8:30. There were cold Santa Ana winds,  reportedly at 20, 40 and up to 60mph, whipping everything in sight. The tall slender trees were bending down. The leaves were whipped off the branches, whirling in the air and upon the road. When I stopped at the red light, I could even feel the car being budged in the wind. The weather man said that the wind won't die down till midnight today.
My left wrist hurts badly, probably from cooking too much in the holiday (the pan is heavy), or from carrying the big TV, or from computer typing. I bought myself a pack of bandage (云南白药)  last night, and it works a bit. The good thing of this is I should be excused from cooking and cleaning for the time being. Somebody else in the house has to roll up his sleeves. :-)
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