


1 The color of purple – Alice Walker
2 10 reasons not fall in love – Linda green
3 圣灵的劝诫 成功的圣经辅导 (Competent to counsel) 亚当斯 (Dr. Jay E Adams)
4 Experiencing God – Henry & Richard Blackby, Claude King
5 Twenty Four – Krish Kandiah
6 Hudson Taylor and Maria – J.C. Pollock
7 Pearl S Buck good earth mother – Dr. Warren Sherk
8 如何明白神的旨意 江秀琴
9 小时代 虚铜时代 郭敬明
10 爱与痛的边缘 郭敬明
11 The associate – John Griham
12 How to read the Bible – Gordon Fee, Douglas Stuart
13 树鬼 柳营
14 阁楼 柳营
15 信仰之旅 林语堂
16 One hot mess – Lois Greiman
17 Growing up again – Mary Tyler Moore
19 What men want 男人到底要什么 莱特博士
20 The Bible Jesus read – Philip Yancey
21 By searching – Isobel Kuhn
22 人体使用手册
23 Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? – John Powell S J
24 神所宝贝的朋友 (Created to be God’s friends) – Henry Blackby

25 赞美手札 (31 days of praise) – Ruth Myers 

2012 一至五月

神话语的权柄 (the Tongue-a creative force) – Charles Capps
2 神所使用的人 - Henry Blackby

3 多美的故事 – Stomie Omartian

4 The inner chamber and inner life – Andrew Murray

5 The autobiography of George Muller – George Muller

6 Lord, teach us to pray – Andrew Murray

7 Healing of cancer – Dodie Osteen

8 The confessions of St. Augustine (Modern English Version)

9 Come with me through Isaiah – David Pawson

10 新约纵览 大卫鲍森

11 Mother Teresa – come be my light (the private writing of the “Saint of Calcutta”) – edited and commentary by Brain Kolodiejchuk MC


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来源: 文学城-盈袖2006