我们在中文和英文网站都做了一些查询。据微信FAQ,可以用外国银行的 Visa 和 MasterCard 来绑定你的微信号。但有些人说,这样还是不能用来付款。也许此选项仅限于有中国身份证的人?
中国境内的酒店和机票都可以在携程网上预订,中英文版都行。当然,其它旅游网站如 Expedia也行。但外国人的火车票只能在携程网上定。
Travel to China, how to pay for things without a Chinese ID card
China is fast becoming a cashless society with the recent proliferation of WeChat Pay.
But for many Chinese Americans, the wechat payment option is of little use. In most cases, in order to use Wechat Pay, you must have a Chinese government issued ID card. This is a new restriction put in place sometimes last year.
My daughter will spend all summer in China, doing internship and sightseeing. She will travel to cities large and small, sometimes with friends, other times by herself. She was hoping to be able to use WeChat Pay so she doesn’t have to bring lots of cash.
We did some online research in both Chinese and English language websites. According to Wechat FAQ, Visa and MasterCard issued by foreign banks can be tied to WeChat. But some people said that you still can’t pay with it. Maybe this option only works for people with a Chinese ID?
At present time, the following seem to be workable options for paying for things while traveling in China with an American passport.
WeChat Pay
This is the most convenient option by far, especially for miscellaneous expenses like food, taxi, and shopping. Even without an Chinese ID, you may be able to use this option if you have a trusted friend or relative (and they trust you).
Deposit some money with your friends or relatives first, then
Ask them to send the money to your WeChat account. or
Ask them to open an bank account and buy a cell phone under their name with your money. Use this phone while in China and for WeChat Pay.
Traveling with large sums of cash is never a safe option. Fortunately, making withdraws from your own bank account in the States while traveling in China is quite easy nowadays. Most large national banks, such as Bank of America or CitiBank, let you use ATM of Chinese banks. Check with your bank which Chinese bank’s ATM you can use. There may be a convenience fee, depending on which bank you use. Regional banks may or may not offer this option.
Credit Card
For lodging, train and air travel in China, MasterCard and Visa are accepted at most places servicing people with foreign passports. There maybe a foreign transaction fee, depending on the issuing bank of your credit card.
Foreigners are restricted to stay at certain hotels (3 stars or better, mostly). Most of these places accepted American credit cards, as far as we know.
Train tickets can be booked in advance on Ctrip (www.ctrip.com), with a credit card and an American passport. There is a small convenience fee.
You can also book hotels and air travel in China, just like other online travel sites such as Expedia. But for foreigners, Ctrip is the only online site for train tickets.
This posting is based on my daughter's experience studying in China two years ago, and some online inquiries, including the helpful answers received from people on Wenxuecity. There are many Chinese American youth traveling to China on their own in the summer. Hope this posting is of some help to them.
去中国留学 ~~第四代华裔的漫漫回乡路 (一)